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should i b putin solid pinion spacer in runnin 33s

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:30 pm
by povpak 80
im puttin front lockright into my 80 series and runnin 33s do i need solid pinion spacer

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:10 am
by brad 93hilux
Putting a solid pinion spacer is better no matter what size tyres you are running, but to install the lock rite you usually dont mess around with the pinion.

IMOP they are fairly cheap (cheaper then destroying the centre and having to replace the gears) whilst apart you could pull out the pinion and measure the collapsable spacer (micrometer) and just put the solid spacer in with the right amount of shims (they come with shims usually) and in theory if all reinstalled properly the crownwheel and pinion alignment will not have changed.

This is presuming you have the tools and can do it yourself.
