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Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 11:57 pm

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:10 am
by N*A*M
i would like to have odyssey/genesis batteries and i do :D

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:12 am
hay nam

i drew a blank when thinkig of other types they were meant to be in the poll to :roll: :oops: :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:20 am
by N*A*M
dry cells are compact and versatile but not cheap
you could always edit your poll options

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 10:12 am
by billsta
i have odyssey

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 10:57 am
by 1MadEngineer
CAT, they do a 970CCA battery for just over $200
run 2 of them then regulate the car system back to 14-16 volts, the electronics will handle it and the winch will have nearly as much power as the engine ~2000cca @ 16vdc.warns can take it no problems...

my .02c

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 3:54 pm
by big red
i run two overlanders, been excellent but would like to try oddysey or optima

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 4:08 pm
by Carl Coight
N*A*M wrote:i would like to have odyssey/genesis batteries and i do :D

Me too.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 5:52 pm
by Drafty
How do odyssey/genesis go when it comes to being run flat, are they a good replacement for a deep cycle or are they purely a cranking battery.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 10:18 pm
well i have optimas
and the yellow tops are a deep cycle battery and the will handel being full cycled 350 times they are also a high amp out put to ideal for winching

optima have just realeased a new bigger yellow top that is 1300 cca and 70 amp hr they are surposed to be shit hot yet to try them
will have very soon and ill let you all know how they go

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 8:05 am
by MissDrew
I run to Exide.
Why? Cause of their price and reliability.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:16 pm
by givathafat
I run an overlander and a no name n70 as aux works ok and n70 will run my fridge for 4 days, @ $90 dollar chepa to replace when it dies.


Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 1:29 am
by Gonzo
i have a 650 CCA odyssey :)

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 8:40 am
by Wooders
I was going to run one of those Blue Exide dry-cells...but I couldn't get one when & where I wanted one - so I've got Yellow top optima - bloody impressed to far.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 9:41 pm
by redrocket
Optimas would be great if you have the dollars but i have 2 Exide extremes cause they are a deep cycle and cranking in one battery and they come with a 2 year warranty which is twice as long as any deep cycle or cranking.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 10:05 pm
by Bitsamissin
Yep I agree with Mike. The Optima's are probly better but you really pay for them. I have 2 Exide Extremes as well and I got them for $90 Ea from a mate in the trade, I can't complain at that. Can't even buy one Optima for $180 !!!
I've had no probs at all running fridges, cold starting, re-charging etc so for the price I wreckon the Exides, but for all out performance in critical conditions (comps/winching) the Optima's would be better.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 11:06 am
by Wooders
It not the optima that's expensive it's the drycell - for example the exide drycell is very similar in price to the optima.
Now while for a lot of people the wetcells are ok, my thoughts are drycells are vibration proof, more temprature resistant and most importantly leak proof - when (I'm sure I'll do it one day) I roll I'd rather be know that my battery isn't spilling it's guts over my engine bay....

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 12:10 pm
thats it wooders

that is the no 1 reason that i use them :wink: cheap batterys are ok but in the event of a roll over acid will go fn every where

optima cases alone are tested underwater at about 60 psi for leaks
so they arent about to leak at the best of times

there is 72 feet of lead in them thus giveing them there cycle and amperage ability and in the design that is what makes them more resistant to vibration bamage then most other batteries

std yello top
and at 120 reserve capacity
...........55 amp hrs
...........650 cca at 0 degrees f (what ever that is in c) bloody cold
..........870 ca at 32 degrees f / zero deg c
..........this last reading is higher at say 25/30 deg c (normal oz day )

ill get back to you guy with the specs on the big yellow top the new 1

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:30 pm
by ausyota
I have an optima red top and Im extremly happy with it.
heaps of power, heaps of reserve capacity and doesnt leek crap all over the engine bay!
Im buying a dual bat system in a couple of weeks and will probably get another red top optima for the second battery.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 8:00 pm

you would be better to get a yellow for ya second battery coz it will handel being cycled better than a red top they are purely a cranking battery and dont like being flatened

what do you run on you main battery and what runs on your 2nd

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 8:26 pm
by cattzooks
The cheapest one that doesn't need topping up. The no maintenance type.
I worked at Century once and they are all the same with differnt stickers of cases. Besides they nearly allways sh#t themselves before two years is up.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:27 pm
I run two Exide reds (marine batts) cause they are 750 cca`s and are semi deep cycles wired in together so no BuLLshIt isolaters to stuff up
working great now for 12 months


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 8:31 am
by Juzza
Anyone got any specs or commentss on the Optima orange tops.
I don't think they've been out long, where do they fit into the range?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 9:16 am
by HSV Rangie
Most wet cell batteries on the market come from Australian battery company Melb.
Sticker for what ever brand you want.
You can retail them with your own sticker on if you want.



Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:52 pm
hay all

well juzza the orange to is just a red top but revesed terminals optina have stoped that now and are making a red top with rev terminals being a 34 R

these are awsom

.ca 1125 this is tested at 32 f zero for us ozzies
cca 900 this is at 0 f below zero for us
reserve capacity of 155 min
1370 ca at 25/30 degs c so normal aussie conditions these thing pack some punch :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:02 am
by theshedguy
Ive had 2 yellow top Optimas shit themselves, and then had a shitfight about the warranty of them , gone to the Oddyseys and they are steel cased, and more grunt, [and alot heavier] and had no issues.

The bolt on terminals are also a top idea.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:35 am
by N*A*M
these are awsom

.ca 1125 this is tested at 32 f zero for us ozzies
cca 900 this is at 0 f below zero for us
reserve capacity of 155 min
1370 ca at 25/30 degs c so normal aussie conditions these thing pack some punch :twisted: :twisted:

what a beast. the stats speaks well but is it a big and heavy battery?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 3:37 pm
bring it onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 0X

comon give us the stats and prices for your dry cell batts nam :P

havent realy looked into them so i know nufink about them :!: :!:

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 3:46 pm
by N*A*M
dude i'm not gonna compete with your monster cranker! :roll:

i'm just asking about physical dimensions for interest. odyssey have a hi-po battery too but it's about half the size of an equivalent spec'd wet battery. just wanna know how compact they can make the spiral plate batteries.

i have the stats on a brochure at home. prices? well let just say i wouldn't buy one retail unless i had some butt lube. the two i got were not retail price. anyway they suit me and my little zook so ner!

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 4:13 pm
:roll: comonnnnnnnn

well ya dead right they are a tad heavy but when ya battery has 72 feet of lead in them as an optima dose :?: :?: thats what gives them the cycleing ability and power out put the other thing about optima batterys is that they have super low conductivity power out and power in

what out put do your bats have just out of curiosity
and they seem like they are suited to light weight aplications better than optimas
:D and thats you