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Adding oil to diesel tanks
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:03 pm
by Cokeaddict
Tried a search but for some reason it kept freezing so ill ask here .....
I've heard that people are adding 2 stroke oil to their diesel fuel tanks to compensate for the lack of sulphur. Can someone tell me if this is true and what the ratio mix is please. Also what type of oil is it, (wasnt sure if they said 2 stroke or some other type).
Just incase we have an educated 4b er out there

...i run a 140 ltr tank
many thanks
Re: Adding oil to diesel tanks
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:36 pm
by bogged
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:27 am
by filobz
I have been running 300ml of 2 stroke with each 80 litres of diesel in my D40 Navara since Nov 09.
Firstly, the engine is noticeably quieter & no smoke.
Secondly, it is running economically about 10% better.
Thirdly, it feels more powerful.
My Toyota mad son-in-law can't get over how much more free reving the Nav is & is now putting it in his 100 Series. I don't know how his "older" style engine is performing, as he has not reported back as yet.
He is not as methodical (Some would say anal) as me, & I would guess he forgets to add the 2 stroke every fill. He also has an 180 litre long range tank.
Cheers, Phil
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:12 pm
by chris_stoffa
Head over to 4WD Action forum
Big thread there been running for about 6 months
"interesting Thread about 2 stroke oil in diesel fuel" ... y.php?f=54
There are a number of links into European and US sites on the stuff in that thread. Some of those threads link back to 2005-2006 so the idea isn't new
Ive been using it for about six months and 16,000km - works fine 4 me
Have a read and make your own decision
Edit : Easy way to work out 200:1 ratio
Divide number of litres by 2 then add a 0 = ml reqd
Eg: 70 litres / 2=35 + 0 = 350 ml ( Standard tank )
128litre / 2 =64 +0 = 640ml ( LongRanger tank)
It also doesnt have to be EXACT once you have treated your first tank- Plus or Minus 5-10ml has no discernable affect I have noticed.
First tank - treat it as a full fill, eg 70 litres , put in 350 ml of oil and then top it up, from then on just add as you refill @ litres/ml ratio
Do not use FULLY SYNTHEtIC OIL - mineral based oils are apparently better for this and should be JASO FB or BETTER ie FB / FC / FD
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:36 pm
by Rangie Thing
just do a test mix in a small bottle to make sure the oil and diesel dont seperate first.
it made the old mq quiter on the first tank full.
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:56 pm
by twodiffs
There's also a 29 page thread running on Patrol forum.
I've been adding Caltex 2T for about 2 months now with no probs whatsoever.
Can't comment on mileage as I don't monitor it, but I swear the enging is much quieter and smoother, main reason i started adding it - that and lubrication for IP

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:58 pm
by Tommie
I added it for 3 tanks 200/1 .
Better milage , Reduced noise and smoke
As for power i think i got the base modle TD42 Power was an optional extra mine dosent have

It's hard to notice a 10% increase in 00HP.
I will be continuing to add it.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:32 am
by (EST)MahviaDeTyrk
Few days ago hear that ATF may be better choice

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:16 am
by mercxr6T
Just got my mk back from a diesel engineer and when I was there I asked him his thoughts on the subject. He said that in theory having extra lube shouldnt hurt but diesel is full of oil unlike petrol and that the 2 stroke oil wouldnt dissolve properly in diesel and that if you let you car sit for too long without driving it then it could become a problem. He knows what he is talking about so I'm going to give it a miss (even tho I drive mine every day) I dont wanna end up having my diesel pump looked at.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:38 am
by chris_stoffa
mercxr6T wrote:that if you let you car sit for too long without driving it then it could become a problem. .
Quickest way to prove / disprove that ( and work out which oils are suitable ) is make up a mix at the correct ration then put some into a tall bottle ( makes it easier to see any settled oil) and leave it for a week or month even.
If it settles its the wrong stuff, if it stays in suspension its good stuff.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:55 pm
by coxy321
I see some of you have quoted what brand and grade 2T oil you've been using, so is everybody else using cheap/no name stuff?
The reason i ask is (as most bike riders/light engine fans will know), there is a VAST difference between the "cheap" stuff and the quality stuff.
I'll have to pull my finger out and have a crack at this. I have access to the full Shell/Motul/Motorex/Maxim/Husky stuff, so i may have to start investigating....
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:32 pm
by chris_stoffa
coxy321 wrote:I see some of you have quoted what brand and grade 2T oil you've been using, so is everybody else using cheap/no name stuff?
The reason i ask is (as most bike riders/light engine fans will know), there is a VAST difference between the "cheap" stuff and the quality stuff.
I'll have to pull my finger out and have a crack at this. I have access to the full Shell/Motul/Motorex/Maxim/Husky stuff, so i may have to start investigating....
Agreed there is a vast difference in 2 stroke oil for 2 stroke engines, this use is a different application in that its used as a lubricant in fuel so that it reaches the Injector pump to replace the lubricating sulphur that WAS in Low Sulhur Diesel. Of those that use it almost all report a quieter motor and injector pump
Its then just burnt off with the diesel. Any other benefit of lower Lts/kms or improved power are generally minor /coincidental or just plain additional.
I have run some pretty accurate figures over 16,000km and yes you get some/all of those depending on a number of conditions but its the I/Pump that I'm hoping to protect
Still, investigate as you need to, I have and I'm happy with The Gulf Western Oil. Works well in my Bravo 2.5 TD
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:05 pm
by twodiffs
chris_stoffa wrote:mercxr6T wrote:that if you let you car sit for too long without driving it then it could become a problem. .
Quickest way to prove / disprove that ( and work out which oils are suitable ) is make up a mix at the correct ration then put some into a tall bottle ( makes it easier to see any settled oil) and leave it for a week or month even.
If it settles its the wrong stuff, if it stays in suspension its good stuff.
Someone on Patrol did that with 2T...poured some into a jar with diesel and just let it sit....and sit..............and sit.
Didn't cloud up and didn't separate from the diesel.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:25 pm
by revhead307
I bought some yesterday, and added it 200:1 to the tank. only done 30kms so far so will monitor it over the next month or so and post back if i find anything.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:34 pm
by tufftruckin
is there some sort of sulphur additive u can buy for diesel?
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:01 pm
by chris_stoffa
tufftruckin wrote:is there some sort of sulphur additive u can buy for diesel?
Don't think there would be , the ULSD is the result of Government action to meet Euro 4 fuel specs - was first introduced back in 2006.
Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:23 pm
by Josh n Kat
Got a heap of motul oil at home, its 100% "ester" oil apparently. Not quite sure what that means....
Anyway might have mixed it a bit strong, but we'll wait and see what happens. Only done about 15km so far but yeah, let's see what happens!
Does that fuel doctor stuff do the same kind of thing thou?
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:23 am
by SIM79
twodiffs wrote:There's also a 29 page thread running on Patrol forum. ... ght=stroke
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:45 pm
by vanbox
Would this be ok in modern common rail diesels?
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:10 pm
by thehanko
coxy321 wrote:I see some of you have quoted what brand and grade 2T oil you've been using, so is everybody else using cheap/no name stuff?
The reason i ask is (as most bike riders/light engine fans will know), there is a VAST difference between the "cheap" stuff and the quality stuff.
I'll have to pull my finger out and have a crack at this. I have access to the full Shell/Motul/Motorex/Maxim/Husky stuff, so i may have to start investigating....
expensive 2 stroke is synthetic.
you just want cheapo mineral 2 stroke oil.
I can see no way possible for mineral oil to seperate from fuel oil seing as they are both oil based.
I have considered the reason it is recommended not to use synthetic oils could be that they are synthetic/not oil based and therefore perhaps could seperate.
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:25 pm
by coxy321
thehanko wrote:coxy321 wrote:I see some of you have quoted what brand and grade 2T oil you've been using, so is everybody else using cheap/no name stuff?
The reason i ask is (as most bike riders/light engine fans will know), there is a VAST difference between the "cheap" stuff and the quality stuff.
I'll have to pull my finger out and have a crack at this. I have access to the full Shell/Motul/Motorex/Maxim/Husky stuff, so i may have to start investigating....
expensive 2 stroke is synthetic.
you just want cheapo mineral 2 stroke oil.
I can see no way possible for mineral oil to seperate from fuel oil seing as they are both oil based.
I have considered the reason it is recommended not to use synthetic oils could be that they are synthetic/not oil based and therefore perhaps could seperate.
Righto - i have some fully synthetic Motorex 2T oil and a 5 litre bottle of fresh diesel at home, i'll do the mix/split test next week.
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:45 am
by SIM79
revhead307 wrote:I bought some yesterday, and added it 200:1 to the tank. only done 30kms so far so will monitor it over the next month or so and post back if i find anything.
x2 Same here done 50klm so far.
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:06 pm
by thehanko
coxy321 wrote:
Righto - i have some fully synthetic Motorex 2T oil and a 5 litre bottle of fresh diesel at home, i'll do the mix/split test next week.
Be curious to hear the result.
In the reading I have done they always say just use mineral 2 stroke oil for this purpose, and specifically not synthetic.
but everyone goes and buys synthetic as its more expensive and must thus be better