If you can weld...
* 2" drop hanger $230 - Snake racing, Id ask Buddy first tho, he has a 1" for only $90, just nothing listed for 2"
* 2" EXT'd shackles upto $160 depending on length and model - Buds Customs
and just play with leaves for bit more movement
* IFS Rear leaf springs $200 max 2nd hand i reckon
* 2" EXT shackles upto $160 depending on length and model - Buds Customs, i got a set about a week ago, very impressed
* 2" body lift - 6 Blocks needed for single cab or extra cab, 8 blocks if dual cab etc - should be max of $200 for everything
OR if needed
That totals out at $950, with potential to drop more $$$ if Bud does make hanger and you dont have to buy from Snake racing, as well as you should be able to do body lift cheaper too... Either way it leaves you with change for the little things like brake lines etc....
Also hunt on here for parts, not un-common to find shackles for $80-ish, springs galore if you look hard enough, post up in wanted section what your after, guaranteed there's someone selling what you want
The more you hunt the cheaper you'll get and then you'll have left over straight away to get the good shockies and what not too
But thats just my thought to suit my style of driving, you might be totally different, and if your IFS it wont work at all... More details on what you have and what you want will help heaps