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Lux Leaf Spring setups ?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:36 pm
by UZJ40
i know its a very open question, but i want to try and get some opinions on which way to go, as far as a leaf spring set up.
the truck is only for weekends, but still has to be ok for long drives.
will be used for all wheeling, A grade and including some comps.

it is an 88 IFS surf.

i read a lot about the Trail Gear springs being great, IFS eliminator kit, but that cost's $$$. People talk about Ruff springs, and other setups.
just want some opinions, and how you guys have set them up as a guide.
I have done numerous searches, but thought i could get a thread going.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:08 pm
by yamaha__308
You're kidding right? :?

RUF, IFS rears, high steer, dropped crossmember, longer shocks and hoops, duals, lockers, 35-37"s and call it good.

Or if you've got more money, TG springs.

Read a LOT more and decide what will work for you and if you end up not liking how it works, try something else...