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wiring help for power windows
Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:45 pm
by 94hzj75
i am converting the windows in my 75 series to electric. i can do all the mechanicals fine and i have got the drivers side in and working but through the use of 3 relays. THERE MUST BE A SIMPLER WAY. i am trying to find this simpler way before i do the passenger side. can anyone supply me with a wiring diagram. or anyone with factory electrics (any make/model) what has the manufacturer used in yours? cheers
Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:17 pm
by DamTriton
How many wires are out of the winder motors?
Some methods require two wires to be swapped when switching (commonly 2 wire), other methods have a fwd and reverse winding in the motor and are actuated by applying voltage to one side and the common earth (commonly 3 wire or rarely 2 wire using the case as earth).
Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:21 pm
by -Scott-
Have a look here:
Two relays per window, each common connected to the motor. Normally closed contact to 0V, normally open contact to +12V. Energise only one relay, that side of the motor becomes energised, motor turns. Energise the other relay, the other side of the motor becomes energised, motor turns the other way.
De-energise both relays and the motor stops (fast - it is actively braked). Energise both relays, no voltage difference across the motor, the motor stops (again, actively braked).
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:34 am
by 94hzj75
cheers for the help. it is a two wire motor (polarity controlled direction) that is how i wired it 2 relays for the switching and 1 relay for the ignition i just was hoping there was a specific combined relay for power windows or somehing i missed when wiring just cause less electrical components in a installation = less to go wrong. thanks guys.