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Oils for '92 Disco manual gearbox

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:36 pm
by starky
Just brought a '92 Disco 5 speed manual, with a gearbox whine, changing the oil it has dextron in it. Is this normal? Has anyone used heavier oil to quiten it or is this bad for the gear box?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:26 pm
by Bush65
I think a 92 model would have the LT77 gearbox (later models have R380). They need a low viscosity oil and originally used automatic transmission fluid.

After this gearbox was developed, oil manufactures developed manual transmission fluids (for many other manual transmissions besides rover) and these are best to use in your gearbox. Heavy oil will cause problems with the lubrication pump and syncromesh. The manual transmission fluids have better additives that ATF for manual transmissions.

Synthetic manual transmission fluids such as Castrol Syntrans are best IMHO.

The whine is probably due to wear, bearings in particular - the gearbox was beefed up (gears and bearings) to produce the R380.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:55 pm
by starky
thanks heaps for that