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how long does oil take to break down?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:32 pm
by chiefdog
patrol has sat around for 8 months and i was wondering wheather to change the oil or not.....would it still be ok???

Re: how long does oil take to break down?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:41 am
by morewheeldrive
From a mechanics view. I would say change it. Mainly because sitting for that long youl find that all the partical matter that the oil gathered when running is now well and truly sitting at the bottom of ur sump. Right next to the pick up. I would change the oil and when done give her a few cranks over to get the oil moving up through the engine before start up. I dare say the oil ports through ur conrods and rockers etc would all be empty and starting it straight up would do nasty things to those dry componants. In saying all this if u seriously can't afford oil and filters u can still start her up and be confident that it's not gonna blow up. But yeah it's not recommended. Hope that helps.

Re: how long does oil take to break down?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:55 am
by hiy6o
Oil is cheaper than engines , make sure you take the plugs out and wind it till you get oil pressure with no load on the bearings from compression.