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hilux lift, how to check??

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:31 am
by as_i_lay_dying
hey guys i am new to 4x4ing and trying to work out of my dual cab 96 i have just purchased has a lift in it? i have been told it has and been told it hasnt, is there anyway to measure it and work out of it has and how much lift?
thanks in advance

Re: hilux lift, how to check??

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:40 am
by craz3d
Do 31's pretty much fill the guards but don't scrub?
If so, then no it doesn't.
If not,then it's quite possible it does.

Re: hilux lift, how to check??

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:43 am
by lux3l
Hey mate in answer to your question regarding your hilux lift if it is a solid axle the standard springs will sit pretty much flat ,compared to lifted springs which will have camber in them.
Also there should be some form of brand name or writing on the top of the spring pack where as standard packs dont.
Most common lift is 2 inch . if it has standard shackles and the packs have some camber then i would say its a 2inch lift.
Hope this can help you


Re: hilux lift, how to check??

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:30 pm
by Zuri92
reguarding what lux 31 said, the camber he is talking about is look along your front spring and see if the spring is sitting flat, from front hanger to shackle end. if its flat its stock, if it has curve its lifted, rears always have curve, also i measured mine with stock front springs and it was about 2 to 3 inches betwene bump stops so if it measures similar its stock, if it is 4 inches or more gap it is lifted.

hope that makes it easy enough for ya

Re: hilux lift, how to check??

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:38 pm
by blackarrowilly
Hey mate.The standard hight for a 92 duel cab is 554mm between the centre of the front hub and top of the wheel arch.Should be the same for yours.