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Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:21 pm
by Wineandmud
I have recently bought a 97 full time 80 series running the viscous transmition and at the first decent rock climb i attempted there was no rear drive at all. i recently got all the electrics checked and ok'd so it seems to be the Vc. Does anyone have information on changing or improving the Vc (if that is the problem). Cheers Darren.
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:31 pm
by Wineandmud
Researched the power distibution ratio and found that the 40th anniversary edition puts out 60% front with only 40% rear power. To overcome this i sourced some free wheeling hubs and a center diff lock switch and got the marks adaptor kit to convert to part time 4wd. Hopefully i will get the drive back.
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:20 pm
by fester2au
no doubt that will fix you problem now but I'm at a bit of a loss as to your original situation as we had a viscous equiped 80 in our club and for a fairly standard rig it went pretty much everywhere that equally set up vehicles did and even some places where us bigger trucks went. Albiet with a bit more wheel spin and momentum.
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:02 pm
by hdj105
Assuming you were in low range, the centre diff lock (CDL) should have engaged, yellow light on dash, and you should have 50/50 front/rear drive.
If you were in high, and the modification of adding the non VC 80 series centre diff lock switch to the dash had not been done, then you would have experienced what you did.
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:06 pm
by Auto-Craft
^What he said ^
Fit the switch!
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:33 pm
by Wineandmud
There were no lights on the dash when low was engaged making me think it was the vc or the motor on the transfer case. Another could have been the wiring or a combination of both. I am happy though i will now have more control over the transfer. The 80 is down at pete's from xtreme4x4 who did the conversion on the cruiser in the latest 4wdAction mag (151). Looking forward to getting it back and seeing how it handles as a rear drive as apposed to a constant 4.
Re: Viscous coupling 80 series
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:14 pm
by Old Yella
Hi guys, I have recently bought a 40th anniversary 80 1HDFT with the viscous coupling, with fitting the switch will the centre diff lock engage in high range ?
I noticed when in low range the abs was disengaged, will this happen in high range with the switch activated ?
Cheers Rob