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80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:43 pm
by TurboRA28
Hi all, i've got a 5spd manual 80 series but I want to convert it to auto.. I could sell it and buy an auto but quite like the car so would prefer to just swap to an autobox.
So, do you's reckon it's the kinda thing someone would want to swap a manual for an auto box? I thought there may be someone who has a auto but would prefer a manual box in it.
Any tricks involved?
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:41 am
by oldmate
There has been threads of people wanting to convert auto to manual so you could find someone willing. How easy? Well it would be very straight forward if you found someone with the same year/engine you have. There are a couple of different autos and manual boxes depending on the engine and the drive shafts and crossmember are different auto to manual.
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:04 am
by thrashlux
hi as oldmate said there are a few different variants
what kind of car do u have ie year model and original engine type
some are electronically controlled either by the ECU or a separate ECT depending on the model
this means the body loom is also different as the auto wiring is integrated into main loom not a stand alone or in the engine loom
the cross-members r different and the mounts r welded on different places on the chassis also as stated drive shafts r different length
also what part of the country r u in this might help for prospective swappers or where to get the gearbox from
pm me if you want further info or want the job done
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:13 am
by TurboRA28
Hey all, it is a 92 model with the 1FZ engine. Yeah the crappy part sounds like changing wiring looms etc especially if it's part of the body loom. Also having to cut/weld mounts while I have the gear to do that still a pain. Was hoping it may have been more of a bolt in job with some basic wiring changes.
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:06 am
by thrashlux
you can get a hyro box so min wiring is needed
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:15 am
by slosh
Got an auto here that I've been trying to part with for a while, from 1fz no computer but everything else there... going cheap...
Re: 80 series 5spd manual to auto, swaps?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:51 pm
by TurboRA28
PM me a price?