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2h power surge

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:21 pm
by doc_scott
Hi all I am having a problem with my 2h troopy. It is surging when the head lights are put on. I have had this problem before when the battery terminals are dirty or the alternator belt was slipping, but I have checked all this to no avail. I was wondering if any one has any further ideas as this is starting to do my headin. Cheers

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:38 pm
by brissle
check the body earth near the battery

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am
by doc_scott
I had suspected a bad earth and even went as far as using a suplementary earth strap just to ceck but still getting surge with headlights on. I've got no idea!!!!!

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:55 am
by dogbreath_48
Disconnect the fuel cut solenoid from the pump and see if it still happens, this may help narrow things down. Mine did the same when I had a bad (I.e. Non-existant :oops: ) body earth. (obviously the engine will have to be stalled or the fuel cut manually to stop)

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:32 am
by doc_scott
I have already tried this and it stops the surgeing but then the clicking of a solenoid under the dash still exists, which in turn still acctuates the motor but obviously when disconnected doesn't cause the motor to surge. The problem then is to start or stop the car you need the bar in place unless you stall it but that wont help you start. :bad-words: :bad-words:

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:50 am
by hj 45
Try another fuel control relay, that'd be what's clicking and telling the edic motor to go into overinjection. Or, I'm pretty sure the electrical circuit in the edic motor grounds through its mounting bolts. Remove edic motor and clean up the surfaces where it contacts the block, then reinstall.

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:03 pm
by doc_scott
Thanks I will try that tomorrow was thinking along those lines for the actual relay and checking its grounding, but I will try the edic motor first as it looks easy to get to and i don't know where the relay is yet. :)

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:27 am
by doc_scott
no joy cleaning the edic motor mounts. Drove the car today by disconnecting the bar between the edic motor and the pump, the car drives great but the relay under the dash keeps clicking every time that you use any of the pwoer consuming accessories (lights, brakes, indicators, wippers etc..... sort of important gear). Does anyone know if the relay for the edic motor have a body earth and its location? Or could this be from a poor accessories main earth????? if so where??:oops:

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:53 pm
by turkey
Mate I got the shits with mine and after pricing to get replacement parts I just pulled the edic out, the relay out, the whole farking lot! I just made up a push/pull rod connected to the fuel shut off, ran it through a small hole in the firewall and it sits just under the steering wheel. Want to turn off the old 2H? Push the rod in and viola your engine is now stopped :armsup:

Quick edit: The relay in mine was located behind the passenger side kick panel. Mate if you cant pinpoint the fault, just pull the whole lot out, far less hassles. It did my head in... The fuel shut off returns to the run position by itself after shutoff, and well I have had no probs whatsoever starting mine in the cold in the run position and I live down south. I always give it 2 glows on real cold mornings anyway and it always fires first turn :cool:

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:16 pm
by Mudgee_Engineering
Got a customer of mine with the same prob. We havent found the prob yet and had time to get right into it yet. But in the interim we have put an Ockey strap on the edic motor arm. . . . . every couple of months just nip the Ockey up and its good again. He is away atm so hope to pick his ute up Wednesday (will be watching this thread close for anwsers.) If i find anything will let you know.

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:59 pm
by doc_scott
:armsup: Problem is solved :bad-words: finally. After going over every option a rush of crap too the brain made me think about a lack of earth to the body (not the 2 or 3 that go to the chassis). It seems that there can be a problem on the older cars as crap builds up in the body mounts over the years it seems that they no longer make a good bridge of the earth to the chassis. Thank :bad-words:

Re: 2h power surge

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:32 pm
by NQCruiser
Oh bugger, I came here hoping to find a way to actually GET a power surge from a 2H....

The search continues.......