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Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:41 am
by kernels
Hi guys,

I tried asking for advice on the NZ forums, but didn't get any response ! Trying on here instead !

The first mod I'm wanting to tackle is to swap the hubs on my 2L V6 LWB vitara to use the hubs and brakes from the G16A so I can fit the 15" rims that are commonly available here.

Ive found a set of hubs from a G16A which I intend to fit so I can fit the 15" Rims. The problem is . . . I don't see any auto or manual locking hubs? Did escudos come out with fixed hubs at some stage ?


Will I be able to fit these to my V6 2L and use my auto locking hubs ?

thanks again.

Re: Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:00 pm
by guppy
I have a Grand Vitara and the front diff from factory turns full time. I imported ARB free wheeling hubs from the usa but my understanding is that older suzuki free wheeling hubs will fit and work ok.

Why not leave the bigger brakes and just get 16" rims, there are plenty of good tyres available in 16" and not super expensive.

Re: Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:05 pm
by kernels
Hi Guppy,

Around here (the little island) it's quite hard to get 16" steel rims with vitara stud pattern in various offsets. About my only choices are 15x7 or 15x8 in two or three offsets. Any Australian suppliers do 16" steel rims in various offsets for vitara stud pattern ?


Re: Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:06 pm
by cj
Those are 1.0 Sierra or GV solid drive flanges. You need to hunt down some Factory Aisin manual hubs.

Why not stay with the alloy 16" rims? There is nothing wrong with them but if you want a little more offset/backspacing have a look for GV/XL-7 rims.

Re: Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:27 pm
by Rotazuk
:roll: . They are not 410 or GV lock flanges , they are factory vitara flanges . Lots of the import and new vehciles have them here .

On the NZ forum you had a good link to what you wanted to do .

You can swap any of the fore mentioned drive flanges , your existing auto hubs ( not what I would do ) , buy a set of manual hubs of anything from a 413 up and fit them or just leave the lock flanges on there . The front diff will spin in 2wd but the lock them out for better fuel consumption . Down teh road buy some manual hubs .

Have you found a cert engineer thats happy with you putting smaller brakes on the front of your car ?


Re: Starting Vitara Mods this weekend, Advice on hubs please

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:49 pm
by kernels
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info, yes, I finally found the thread on the NZ site that explained the hub-swap procedure in a bit of detail.

I will definitely keep an eye out for a set of manual locking hubs, but figured in the meantime I would keep using the auto hubs as I have not really ever had any problems with them.

I managed to get hold of a set of hubs from a 1.6 Vitara and there is not much difference in the brake size, the 15" rims only just touch the V6 calipers. I assume when cert time comes round they will do a set of tests along the lines of a strict warrant of fitness and as long as the vehicle stops appropriately and everything is safe and tidy I'm hoping I'm not going to have any trouble getting the cert.

The guy on the NZ forum that had made this modification did get it certed, so, can be done.

Thanks again for your input.
