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gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:30 am
by forkcy
Hey Guys
I dont believe this has been covered yet, i did have a bit of a search on it but didnt get much details.
My question is would a gt2876 produce lower EGT than a gt2860rs? from what i have heard and the research that i've
done it sounds like the gt2876 would be more within it's efficiency rang (should produce lower teamps) in a td42
than a gt2860rs.i would like to use a gt2860rs for the low down but still not sure. if you have one of the two
turbo could you post your teamps please.
thanks guys
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:15 pm
by tye1986
to many factors depends what boost you run and fuel intercooled different boost levels = different air temps coming from turbo more boost the hotter the air temp but more boost will also lower egts
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:37 am
by zookboy
hey mate just go inbetween i did gt2871r .64 rear and 56trim should be right i find the 2860r to small for a 42td run out of puff to early cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:01 pm
by Dick
Just fitted a 2876 with a custom .60 ar compressor housing. EGts @ 100 kph cruise are around 300 plus. Max egts dropped right down, only 450 or so now, compared to 550 before on OEM turbo. So room to move with more fuel. Hardly any lag compared to OEM, just better all round and really goes hard over 2500. Runs 0.2 psi at idle ...
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:04 pm
by forkcy
How many psi are you running and how many rpm do you make full boost at zookboy if you don’t mind me asking?
There would be great discrepancy in the EGT between different trucks but If you state psi, power output, and if
you have an IC or not (assuming 3” zorst) we could get some kind of an idea.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:08 pm
by zookboy
will let you know shortly when i get it back mate mine will have frount mount gu pump 11 plunger and compensator,3inch exhaust , and diesel gas my mate has a 2860rs runs out of puff to early a 2876r is equivalent to a 2871r if you put a .60 frount cover thats what on it and cheaper dont see the point in running a 2876r to do that get a 3071r and its still cheaper i had a 3071r on my old gu but the motors from gq to gu are slighty diffrent i believe its cam and compression as they are an na motor so its a hard call mate cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:16 am
by forkcy
when you say the gt2860rs runs out of puff how many rpms are you talking about. i would be happy if i can get 12-18psi to 3,500 rpm thats all i really want. i dont mind thrathing a petrol motor but i just cant do it to a diesel.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:53 am
by zookboy
hey mate about 3000rpm from then on wards its reving but nothing depends what you want i like when it pulls all the way through not hit 16psi then thats it should feel it pulling but with the 2860 on my mates pulls hard down low then nothing that my view anyway my gu pulled all the way to 4500rpm with the gt3071r running 16psi use to leave my mates gq for dead and even towing 2.5 to 3 tonne up hills never used a slow lane 4th gear 120 no problems and economy was surprisingly good the only reason why i didnt got 3071 now was becuz mine is auto and am worried about it being laggy cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:27 pm
by twodiffs
zookboy wrote:hey mate about 3000rpm from then on wards its reving but nothing depends what you want i like when it pulls all the way through not hit 16psi then thats it should feel it pulling but with the 2860 on my mates pulls hard down low then nothing that my view anyway my gu pulled all the way to 4500rpm with the gt3071r running 16psi use to leave my mates gq for dead and even towing 2.5 to 3 tonne up hills never used a slow lane 4th gear 120 no problems and economy was surprisingly good the only reason why i didnt got 3071 now was becuz mine is auto and am worried about it being laggy cheers
hey mate, i'm watching this thread closely, I reckon you've got some good info.....but can you PLEASE use some punctuation, commers, fullstops etc.
Your post above took me 4 goes to get my head around it.
Cheers zookboy.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:24 pm
by zookboy
hey sorry about that mate cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:31 pm
by twodiffs
Thanks of the best threads I've seen that specifically deals with the 2860/2871/2876 so keep the info coming guys

Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:58 pm
by 84mksd33t
For what it's worth I run a GT2860RS with a .64 hot side on my SD33T.
It runs 18psi of boost.
5psi by 1500rpm
11psi by 2000rpm
18psi by 2500rpm
It holds 18-20psi all the way to 4500rpm if I put my foot into it.
I have a Subaru WAIC and my EGT's peak at 550 degrees. I have a custom 3" dump pipe.
The Subaru WAIC is limited at the moment due to the radiator I am using for it.
It is a pleasure to drive around shifting at 2000rpm, pulls smooth and strong.
A big difference to the stock turbo!
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:03 pm
by 84mksd33t
zookboy wrote:hey mate about 3000rpm from then on wards its reving but nothing depends what you want i like when it pulls all the way through not hit 16psi then thats it should feel it pulling but with the 2860 on my mates pulls hard down low then nothing that my view anyway my gu pulled all the way to 4500rpm with the gt3071r running 16psi use to leave my mates gq for dead and even towing 2.5 to 3 tonne up hills never used a slow lane 4th gear 120 no problems and economy was surprisingly good the only reason why i didnt got 3071 now was becuz mine is auto and am worried about it being laggy cheers
Your mates tune isn't quite right then.
Add some more fuel up top and it will keep pulling.
The 2860RS is good for 16-18psi with the right amount of fuel IMO.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:19 pm
by zookboy
as you said mate hits 18psi by 2500rpm, what happens when your in 5th gear cruising about to hit a hill and you put your foot down it dies in the arse, for instance a patrol with 35s and 4.6 ratio sits on about 2600rpm when you put your foot down to make it move it wont pull because turbo is at its max efficency, its need s to breath and flow.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by zookboy
by the way your patrol is a 3.3l so a bit diffrent mate alot small motor there 1000cc diffrence for that same small turbo.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:51 am
by 84mksd33t
zookboy wrote:as you said mate hits 18psi by 2500rpm, what happens when your in 5th gear cruising about to hit a hill and you put your foot down it dies in the arse, for instance a patrol with 35s and 4.6 ratio sits on about 2600rpm when you put your foot down to make it move it wont pull because turbo is at its max efficency, its need s to breath and flow.
When I put my foot down, it boosts up to 18psi, fuels up and pulls away.
At 2500rpm on cruise the boost is at about 7-8psi.
I run 35's and 4.6 ratios." onclick=";return false;
So, what you are saying is the turbo needs to be pulling max boost at max revs and not peak at optimum RPM for torque?
The 2860RS is out of its efficiency range at about 24psi as far as I know - It starts over speeding, blowing hot air and causing intake charge temps to rise. The TD42 will spool it up quicker but at 18psi it isn't going to be spinning it any faster than my SD33T?
Or am I a bit bent out of shape? All for more info on this!
The 2860RS is most likely too small for a TD42 with a "tickled" pump? IE 125rwkw+
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:26 am
by zookboy
hey mate looks awesome on video your car and pulls hard dont get me wrong, but it aint like that on a gq, your pulls and looks like its keep pulling, but the boost creeps up real quick to a certain point then slowly creeps up the rest of the way making it pull right to the end, on a gq it will hit 16psi real quick and feel like its hit a brick wall anyway this is my point of view cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:09 am
by KiwiBacon
A good way to compare turbos is to compare the rpm needed to generate 10psi boost. This test works best in a high gear.
The GT2860RS is a turbo made for a wide range of low boost. It's really out of it's comfort zone at 20psi, maybe even 18psi depending on pressure drop through your filters.
There are other GT2860 turbos (not the RS) which are suited to high boost but are still smaller than the 71 and 76 (meaning they'll give more low end boost).
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:23 pm
by moddedgu
KiwiBacon wrote:A good way to compare turbos is to compare the rpm needed to generate 10psi boost. This test works best in a high gear.
The GT2860RS is a turbo made for a wide range of low boost. It's really out of it's comfort zone at 20psi, maybe even 18psi depending on pressure drop through your filters.
There are other GT2860 turbos (not the RS) which are suited to high boost but are still smaller than the 71 and 76 (meaning they'll give more low end boost).
could you perhaps share these GT2860's types that are capable of extra boost!! Pls
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:03 pm
by outlawgq
GQ td42 running a gt2871r, .60 compressor,.64 hot side, 18 psi total, sits around 6psi crusing at 100kp/h 300 egt's. Don't see any more than 500 when up it up hill flat etc. will see 550 when towing prob more but keep that in check. 15 psi by 2000 rpm & 18 by 2400/2500 rpm & holds that to 4000 rpm. not running a ic yet.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:11 am
by KiwiBacon
moddedgu wrote:KiwiBacon wrote:A good way to compare turbos is to compare the rpm needed to generate 10psi boost. This test works best in a high gear.
The GT2860RS is a turbo made for a wide range of low boost. It's really out of it's comfort zone at 20psi, maybe even 18psi depending on pressure drop through your filters.
There are other GT2860 turbos (not the RS) which are suited to high boost but are still smaller than the 71 and 76 (meaning they'll give more low end boost).
could you perhaps share these GT2860's types that are capable of extra boost!! Pls
Here's the online catalogue of small garretts: ... talog.html" onclick=";return false;
Here's the disco potato (GT2860RS), it's got a broad but low compressor map: ... 9548_1.htm" onclick=";return false;
Here's one of the GT2860's suited to more boost: ... 7160_5.htm" onclick=";return false;

Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:11 am
by zookboy
theres a few diffrent gt2871r, which one are you talking about 48trim,52trim or 56trim need to know every turbo is diffrent cheers
thats for outlawgq
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:04 pm
by outlawgq
zookboy wrote:theres a few diffrent gt2871r, which one are you talking about 48trim,52trim or 56trim need to know every turbo is diffrent cheers
thats for outlawgq
56 cheers mate.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:22 pm
by zookboy
ok cool the biggest one, thats what im about to put on my gq cheers
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:56 pm
by CustomTurbos
My Cousin had 151rwkw with the GT2860RS 0.64 exhaust houisng on TD42. Pump was flowed at 115cc at 3000rpm, dropping a bit after that but still wanted to rev to 4k no problem. Over 580nm at crank.
I have the pump at my place now (for sale, PM me if interested, comes with exhaust manifold, as new - only done 5000km). Only reason for selling is that he now has an all out racing TD42. As for street though, the combo was the best I have been in - reved like a banshee and totally opened my eyes to relatively smoke fee diesel performance.
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:29 pm
by GU-ish
hey all.. looking at bolting a 2871 onto my GU... i want the .64 rear housing but wondering wat effect the trim will have?
im going to be running standard pump for a while untill i do it up... would be happy for it to spool up similar to the standard HT18
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:59 pm
by tye1986
i had standard pump with gt2871 had 17psi at 2300rpm
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:57 pm
by GU-ish
and what were the turbo specs? And power figure if your know!
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:05 pm
by tye1986
.64 rear 58 trim dont know power figure sorry mate
Re: gt2876 EGT's vs gt2860rs EGT's
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:23 pm
by GU-ish
so does anyone know would a the smaller trim spool up faster or wat the effect would be between the the smaller and larger trim?