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1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:51 pm
by Grublux
I am looking at trying to utilise my passenger side snorkel on my '92 model Hilux I have put a 1UZ in.

The intake on the engine is 75mm and I have a v6 air box that has a 65mm intake. Would this affect the engines performance?

Any photo's of what people have done would also be helpful.


Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:55 pm
by 1uzln106

I too would like to see some photos of air intake setups from other 1uz converted ln106's.

I currently have a soarer air filter housing with a K and N on the drivers side, but i am in the market for a snorkel and attachment to suit the soarer housing if possible

I have seen a few 1uz conversions with an intake pipe across the engine and the snorkel hook up on the passenger side but am not to keen on this approach.


Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:43 pm
by Struth
Best bet would be to custom make your own if you have the tools and skills.


Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:22 am
by jessie928
best thing to do first is flip the manifold first so that the throttlebody is facing the passenger side first, then you can utilise a commodore airbox and plumb it straight into your snorkle.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:03 am
by Grublux
I was considering spinning the manifold around 180. How hard is it to do? Looking at it the hardest thing would be the 2 elec. plugs on the throttle body. Are there any other things to look out for as this would suit my engine bay the best.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:04 pm
by bj on roids
Turn it around, just the top section, it is easy, and you are bound to only be using one of the TPS, but the wiring for them comes from the passenger side to begin with.

You just gotta pick the harness apart, and move them to the other side. Its realtively easy, could be done in just a few hours.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:20 am
by Grublux
Okay I started the job of spinning the air intake around.



Just a few questions to make sure I am getting it right.

1. The red circles in the above pictures are hoses I need to extend/re-route

2. Green Circle is a loom I can now remove from its current location and re-route to the back

3. The yellow circle in the 1st photo is where I assume I need to remove the plastic case around the loom to allow for the part in the yellow circle in the 2nd photo to fit

4. Do I need the part in the blue circle? I can not remember where this hose ran to

Thanks for the help

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:16 am
by bj on roids
You have a lot of stuff going on there.

You have disconnected vacuum lines, electric cables, PCV (Crankcase ventilation) and possible a water line. Yep.

I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)

One ofthe water lines at the front is fr your overflow. I blocked that off too, and ran the standard one off the radiator.

I had to get rid of the breathers off the rockers covers as I am turbo, but you can re-route them to the intake with a valve after the butterfly, or straight into the intake between the AFM and the butterfly with no valve. There is a valve already on that passenger side one, where it goes into the rocker cover.

As for the wiring, it is a little bit complex, but you simply pick the harness back on the plugs that need to be moved.

As mine was already largely custom, I just realised it is a heap less work than yours.

Also the accelerator cable will need to be longer.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:07 pm
by McLarryBob
bj on roids wrote: I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)
Err.. If it's a cold start and the coolant inside the engine is cold, how is the coolant running to the manifold/throttle body going to be hot enough to warm up the ingoing air?

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:40 pm
by bj on roids
McLarryBob wrote:
bj on roids wrote: I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)
Err.. If it's a cold start and the coolant inside the engine is cold, how is the coolant running to the manifold/throttle body going to be hot enough to warm up the ingoing air?
Why else would it heat up the intake air? It was the only reason I could think of...

I removed it with no ill effects.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:50 pm
by bj on roids
Grublux wrote:Okay I started the job of spinning the air intake around.



Just a few questions to make sure I am getting it right.

1. The red circles in the above pictures are hoses I need to extend/re-route

2. Green Circle is a loom I can now remove from its current location and re-route to the back

3. The yellow circle in the 1st photo is where I assume I need to remove the plastic case around the loom to allow for the part in the yellow circle in the 2nd photo to fit

4. Do I need the part in the blue circle? I can not remember where this hose ran to

Thanks for the help
Okay, I got a bit of time now, so will try and go through it in the best way I understand.

First picture, three red circles.

The two outer circles are the Crank case ventilation. These can be plumbed to a catch can, or your intake. NOT after the butterfly, unless through a one way valve.
The long red circle in the middle is simply vacuum, hook him up anywhere that runs back into the intake manifold.

Green circle, I dont think you can remove the entire loom (Unless you move, or remove the diagnostic port)

Yellow circle, I did not realise you were that tight for space on the firewall. If you need to do anything, try to unbolt the plastic crap and move it out the way, or get rid of it and run split conduit.

Yellow thing is IAC and is fairly important. You can feed it with coolant from the part that used to feed the throttle body. SERIOUSLY dont bother hooking that back up.

The blue circle is another vacuum line, from memory on mine it is sitting just like that picture, hanging lifeless in the breeze. I could look up what it did in my manual if you want to get excited.

How are you going with it otherwise?

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:01 pm
by bj on roids
McLarryBob wrote:
bj on roids wrote: I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)
Err.. If it's a cold start and the coolant inside the engine is cold, how is the coolant running to the manifold/throttle body going to be hot enough to warm up the ingoing air?
I figured I was right, but I only guessed, and I know that is not good enough for some clever buggers.

Here is some proof, comsider first that it is Japanese and is designed to work in freezing climates, it begins to make sense. It is designed to get the vehicle to running temperature as quick as possible in cold weather." onclick=";return false;

BTW. This guy turned his top manifold around and also blocked off some of the same water galleries as I did.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:36 pm
by Grublux
Thanks for the invaluable help BJ.

I've only had a chance to start un-twisting the loom. I am finding it hard to pop the pins out on the plugs.

Tomorrow arvo I should be able to hit it for a few more hours. Its not really that hard a job but I wish auto-elec's didn't like using so much tape.



Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:59 am
by bj on roids
Grublux wrote:Thanks for the invaluable help BJ.

I've only had a chance to start un-twisting the loom. I am finding it hard to pop the pins out on the plugs.

Tomorrow arvo I should be able to hit it for a few more hours. Its not really that hard a job but I wish auto-elec's didn't like using so much tape.


Yeah, I never changed the pins on the plugs, just re-ran the loom and tucked it in neatly. Would have been nicer to shorten and do it all properly and pick out the bits I wasnt using, but I am young and in a hurry to drive things. :armsup:

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:55 pm
by Grublux
Well the wiring turned out to be the easy bit so far. I've hit a hurdle that is seriously making me think of putting everything back original and running a pipe across the engine to the passenger side.

The fuel line on the fuel rail is in the way of the throttle body, even if I remove the bit off the top of the fuel connection it still hits the fuel line as you can see in the picture.


The IAC also hits the fuel lines in their factory position along the back of the engine. These could be re-routed if I knew the throttle body would fit.


Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:08 pm
by Mr DJ
I'm guessing you can't just swap the fuel rails over ??
Isn't that just the return line to the tank ?

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:48 pm
by bj on roids
I have a later model fuel rail too :(

Im sorry, mine was truly dead easy...

That is awkward.

Basically that dampener unit can be run out and remote mounted (somewhere nearby).

That hard fuel line along the back can be re-made from braided line or even just some hydraulic hose pretty simply.

Again.... Did not know it would be this difficult, but every problem is just another challenge, and is easy enough to overcome, with time, some thought and some perserverence.

A handy welder could knock you up some entire new fuel rails out of stainless or alloy too...

Or there is billet ones for sale for ridiculous money.

This one is okay: ... ucts_id=84" onclick=";return false;

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by bj on roids
This guy did it on an early model motor, same fuel rails as you... Dunno, might be worth asking him, or checking and see if he flipped the rails around? ... 71939.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:58 pm
by bj on roids
bj on roids wrote:This guy did it on an early model motor, same fuel rails as you... Dunno, might be worth asking him, or checking and see if he flipped the rails around? ... 71939.html" onclick=";return false;
Having another look, I would be willing to bet he moved the fuel rails from one side to the other?

Double check before you get all gung ho... :popcorn:

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:33 pm
by bj on roids
Another top turned around, but his is 1995+

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:48 am
by Grublux
Thanks for the motivation to not give up.

Last night I removed the plastic casing around the loom at the back of the engine, soldered a couple of wires for the plugs to reach the other side and then removed the fuel rail and spun it 180.

Everything lined up perfectly and the intake now fits as I wanted it to facing the passenger side. I will post up photo's later.

Now the one simple question I have is which commodore air box would you recommend (just to save me walking around the wreckers yard measuring different ones up)?


Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:10 pm
by bj on roids
Grublux wrote:Thanks for the motivation to not give up.

Last night I removed the plastic casing around the loom at the back of the engine, soldered a couple of wires for the plugs to reach the other side and then removed the fuel rail and spun it 180.

Everything lined up perfectly and the intake now fits as I wanted it to facing the passenger side. I will post up photo's later.

Now the one simple question I have is which commodore air box would you recommend (just to save me walking around the wreckers yard measuring different ones up)?

I would run the hilux one if you can, or maybe any of the V8 ones? Just need to know what spot you have to fill and your inlet and outlet areas and pipe diameter, and go to wreckers to find the unit.

Hey... post some pics.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:29 pm
by Grublux
Well it worked. Now all I have to do is source a longer throttle cable (and if anyone can point me in the right direction for one it would help)

There were 4 studs you had to swap around to hold the plenum on as one side were shorter than the other but that was the only hurdle at the end and a simple one to fix.

Here's the completed photo's minus the air box I still have to fit.




Thanks for all the info BJ.

Cheers Grub

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:11 am
by MissDrew
So when are you going to have this up n running? :roll:
I might have mine fixed again before you even get yours finished :finger:

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:42 am
by thrashlux
bj on roids wrote:
McLarryBob wrote:
bj on roids wrote: I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)
Err.. If it's a cold start and the coolant inside the engine is cold, how is the coolant running to the manifold/throttle body going to be hot enough to warm up the ingoing air?
Why else would it heat up the intake air? It was the only reason I could think of...

I removed it with no ill effects.
I think you will find the coolant lines go to the throttle body or idle control valve
they are used with a bimetallic spring to help control idle when the engine is cold
end result is your engine may idle 200 rpm higher when warmed up (big deal)

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:21 pm
by MUD000
Guts wrote:So when are you going to have this up n running? :roll:
I might have mine fixed again before you even get yours finished :finger:
Blah your dreaming :lol: :lol: :lol: :finger:
Looking the part grub :D
Cheers Dan

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:35 pm
by bj on roids
thrashlux wrote:
bj on roids wrote:
McLarryBob wrote:
bj on roids wrote: I would block off the water lines altogether (We dont get very cold up here) All they do is pipe hot water across the intake chamber for cold starts. (Like an interheater)
Err.. If it's a cold start and the coolant inside the engine is cold, how is the coolant running to the manifold/throttle body going to be hot enough to warm up the ingoing air?
Why else would it heat up the intake air? It was the only reason I could think of...

I removed it with no ill effects.
I think you will find the coolant lines go to the throttle body or idle control valve
they are used with a bimetallic spring to help control idle when the engine is cold
end result is your engine may idle 200 rpm higher when warmed up (big deal)
Nope, no affct on mine, but I only took the intake out of circuit?

Or did I?

I am pretty sure, the ICV has a separate feed from the front?

Oh well, I am hoping to run a different ECU soon, and ditch AFM, ICV, among other things.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:26 pm
by bj on roids
Just the original accelerator cable from either the soarer or say a BJ42, can be modified fairly readily. Maybe when at the wreckers looking for your airbox, you can hunt around for a long Toyota one.

You could get rid of those hoses that run all back and forth across the engine bay... But I assume you are pretty happy with the results?

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:02 pm
by Mr DJ
Looks to me like an accelerator cable from a 3L diesel would be about right length.

Re: 1UZ air intake on Hilux

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:20 am
by Grublux
Hopefully have it running in the next month.

I do realise I could do the breather hoses and that differently but I am happy at the moment with them plumbed up how they are and it was the easiest and quickest way for me at the moment.

Have you even looked at yours Guts?