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gq airlocked front centre into a gu front diff

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:18 pm
was reading through some posts about diff swaps ie putting gu diffs under a gq and read that you cant do this with cutting 5mm of each axle is this totally right cause the reason i ask is we have done this and had no problems that we know of all bolted up with no issues the original locker was out of a gq leaf sprung front but went from that to a gu front no probs
so the Qs i have is is there a problem that may be happening that we are not aware of with the above swap (it is working very well at the moment)


has anyone swapped a locker from a gq coil front to a gu front without the cutting etc


Re: gq airlocked front centre into a gu front diff

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:01 pm
by Clanky
The only difference between the front centres is the GU has a thrust block in the middle which is between the two axle ends
I read in the bible you can swap the centres from either and they fit no probs

Re: gq airlocked front centre into a gu front diff

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:58 pm
by money_killer
certainly can be done