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Snorkel 95 Nj 3500 fitting

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:39 pm
by deb_daz
Hi folks just wondering if any of you people out there know how you connect a 3" pipe snorkel to the flat type air box on my paj.Also you might be able to help me out with marking the hole in the guard too if you can.

Re: Snorkel 95 Nj 3500 fitting

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:31 pm
by date
I helped a guy in town to fit a snorkel to his 3500 DOHC pajero (NK I think). It was a fairly easy job. He bought a kit and this included templates to mark out the hole for the snorkel and the fixings.

The standard air intake takes air from the inner edge of the R headlight and then it runs behind and below the light into the cavity between the inner and outer skins of the fender. A tube brings the air back to about the rear of the air cleaner box, wehre it comes through into the engine bay to connect up to the ari cleaner.

The snorkel tube runs on the outside of the fender to the point where it turns left towards the engine. We drilled a 3" hole and then we were into the cavity between the inner and outer skin of the guard. That is where a special transition piece took the air from the outer snorkel tube to the air cleaner box. The transition is circular on the outside and from memory is squashed oval on the inside. It is also offset a bit, but it fitted up perfectly.

We had no trouble in doing the whole job - it took us about 2 hours and we were VERY careful, sepecially when drilling the hole through the outer skin. I recommend that you paint the exposed edges with a good primer before you do the final fitup. We also checked and rechecked the locations of the hole before we drilled but fortunately we got it right first time. I cannot remember the name of the kit, but whatever kit you buy, make sure that it has a template to get your drilling correct. The large hole seemed wrong to us but when we fitted up the inner transition piece, it was right on the mark.