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AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:13 pm
by Remydog05
Im about to do a swap with a AW4 in to a LWB

The question i ask is how has anyone done the rear of the AW4 with a bearing and shaft/adapter?

Without ordering one of these? ... &Itemid=53" onclick=";return false;
or ... &Itemid=53" onclick=";return false;

Im pretty sure joe blow and CTzook has done it and maybe Dans vitara?


Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:33 pm
by dank
I'll save gwagen the hassle and post up a pic he sent me when I was looking at this conversion.

He'll probably pitch in with bearing part numbers but it looks like a sweet setup....

"Here's a photo to give you an idea of clearances. This is a Vitara trimatic, custom tailshaft housing, shortened stock sierra jackshaft. The Transfer is lifted about 40mm or so and results in a flat belly. This car is vibration free. The member I built it for runs Q78's (35.5") and has had it at 125kph and it was still pulling with a baleno G16.

Looks like a simple setup...but even to save the hassle the US$ is great at the moment so the US gear might be the go?

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:32 pm
by Remydog05
Great info

It would be great if he has some info about the tailshaft housing.

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:28 pm
by bazooked
ok ill play, here r sum pix of my adaptor i made up for the buggy, vit trimatic, vit transfer, to sierra transfer.

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:53 am
by Guy
bazooked wrote:ok ill play, here r sum pix of my adaptor i made up for the buggy, vit trimatic, vit transfer, to sierra transfer.

I imagine you will need to have that drive line very very well strapped down, how did the sierra Tcase hold up to the new forces being put onto it, (twist from the motor mounts backwards in a line is alot to take) especially in a buggyy with big rubber etc ..

That plate at the end of the Vit Tcase is quite substantial with a very large mounting surface, have you considered a chassis rail to chassis rail mount of that like some of the toyota's use when running dual T/cases ?

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:50 am
by bazooked
Yea mate that's the plan, with this setup u can run the Sierra case in stock position, not required for my needs tho, they run this setup in the states with no issues, haven't finished the buggy yet but I'm thinkn it should all be ok

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:32 pm
by V.W.Dave
Bazooked how are the shafts connected? I understand the sleeve and all the rest but How is the drive transferred from the output shaft to the input of the transfer?

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:07 pm
by bazooked
i cut up the slip yoke of the vit tailshaft, they are both the same spline ;)

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:38 pm
by V.W.Dave
AHhh ok I see it now. and it is kind of stuck in place... OK.

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:28 am
by Remydog05
I gotta say great stuff but still no pics or info of a AW4 to sierra.

Re: AW4 auto instalation question?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:33 am
by V.W.Dave
They are showing you the hard part to work out.

To get them in you need to make the trans tunnel wider (or have a huge over sized bodylift) about 20mm on each side. They bold up to the 1.6 engine. You will need to make a new trans mount like the picture from Gwagens or if you look up JOEBLOW he has made one useing spring bushings and a new cross over bar. Getting it in is the easy part getting it to line up ans stay in line so you have no drive train vibration is the hard part. If you google this question you will find hundreds of threads world wide on different ways to do it. If you would have done a search on here you would have found 10 or more different ways it has been done.
If you ask joeblow nicely he will give you a wire diagram on how he wires them up. He does by far the cleanest auto install that I know of. He may post up some pics if he reads this. If your lucky.