Quick way to f**k everything!
Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:09 pm
Is to put the battery in backwards!
alternator packed it in which drained the battery on its way out. Brand new battery!
So i replaced the alternator, removed the battery and charged it on the charger then chucked it back in, same as always.... Which, on the new battery, is the wrong way around
Stereo's stuffed. Hopefully just a fuse in the amp.
CB's stuffed. Again, hopefully a fuse.
Gas is stuffed.
god knows what else....
Managed to get it runnen on fuel by bypassing the gas switch and running a temperary fuse on the accesories... Drove it around for a week till i could get my other car runnen (an audi 80) which unfourtanatly had blown a radiator earlier in the week... Got the radiator replaced for the a ripe price of 700 smackers! (bloody europian cars
Took the patrol to the auto elecs to get things checked and fixed... forgot to leave the keys after i got all my tools out the back, so... Back i went in the moring to slide the key under the roller door, got there and theres all these holes in the wall, like a feature wall where every 3rd brick or so has been left out. Decided to leave the key on one of these, only right on the ledge so that a blind man could see it if he stood there and looked at the wall. I was trying to be carful so the key wouldnt have a chance of falling back into the wall where it would lost forever... Ring them a later on and they cant find it!!
''birds fly in and out of those holes all time'' sais the elec... Damn stupid bird knocked it in.
No spare key, so now i have to go to nissan and get a new one plus the code and go to the locksmiths to have a new one cut all the while my cars sitten at the elecs doin nothen but getting in the way!
So i have a question for you people... (When your all finished laughing)...
Would the gas have a fuse in it? Its an 89 pat with the impco system in it... and if so does anybody have any idea where it might be? What it looks like even?
alternator packed it in which drained the battery on its way out. Brand new battery!
So i replaced the alternator, removed the battery and charged it on the charger then chucked it back in, same as always.... Which, on the new battery, is the wrong way around

Stereo's stuffed. Hopefully just a fuse in the amp.
CB's stuffed. Again, hopefully a fuse.
Gas is stuffed.
god knows what else....

Managed to get it runnen on fuel by bypassing the gas switch and running a temperary fuse on the accesories... Drove it around for a week till i could get my other car runnen (an audi 80) which unfourtanatly had blown a radiator earlier in the week... Got the radiator replaced for the a ripe price of 700 smackers! (bloody europian cars

Took the patrol to the auto elecs to get things checked and fixed... forgot to leave the keys after i got all my tools out the back, so... Back i went in the moring to slide the key under the roller door, got there and theres all these holes in the wall, like a feature wall where every 3rd brick or so has been left out. Decided to leave the key on one of these, only right on the ledge so that a blind man could see it if he stood there and looked at the wall. I was trying to be carful so the key wouldnt have a chance of falling back into the wall where it would lost forever... Ring them a later on and they cant find it!!
''birds fly in and out of those holes all time'' sais the elec... Damn stupid bird knocked it in.

No spare key, so now i have to go to nissan and get a new one plus the code and go to the locksmiths to have a new one cut all the while my cars sitten at the elecs doin nothen but getting in the way!

So i have a question for you people... (When your all finished laughing)...

Would the gas have a fuse in it? Its an 89 pat with the impco system in it... and if so does anybody have any idea where it might be? What it looks like even?