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v8 shortie

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by loosecanon
hey all, just about finished my rebuild on my 5.0ltr, have dropped it in yet, but just wondering, what radiator hoses do you use from the hoden v8 to stock cruiser radiator?? ive heard you need to mod the radiator, any options?

Re: v8 shortie

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:49 pm
Ive just dropped my SBC into my FJ45 in the last few days. I have my old radiator hoses from when it was in my shortie so I just used them. The top hose is just the bendy one that you can sort of .... ah stuff it here is a pic...

And the bottom hose, I"m stuffed if I know what its off. The chev water pump has a bigger outlet than the l/cruiser inlet of the radiator. I have ordered a hose out of a parts book just by the pic alone. If it does the job, I'll post up a part number and make for you.. See how it goes next week.
