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remote locking 94 feroza 2

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:46 pm
by ezzamate
hey so ive got a remote locking kit, before i go and hook it up, does anyone know if the drivers door has the locking mechanism/motor already? before i go pulling door trims off.
obviously the rear door and passenger doors do since you can push the lock/unlock button in the centre console for the rear door and the passenger door unlocks when you use the key in the drivers door.

Re: remote locking 94 feroza 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:40 pm
by Goatse.AJ
AFAIK, if the other doors have it, then the driver's door should too.

The rear door DOESN'T lock/unlock with the front doors though.

Re: remote locking 94 feroza 2

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:42 pm
by roza31
According to the manual (Body Electrical System) the passenger side has a "Door lock control motor" but the drivers side only has a "Door lock control switch" (and then of course there's the "Back door opener switch" :shock: ) which explains why when you manually flick the inside lock on the drivers side the passenger side works too (and the rear on mine) but not the other way around. So I guess that'd be a no. When I bought My '92 SE it already had remote locking installed that locks/unlocks all 3 .

Re: remote locking 94 feroza 2

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:15 pm
by ezzamate
ahh thanks mate, thats kinda what i figured but i hoped i was wrong. not to worry, just means ill need to put a motor in.

Yeah AJ its easy to get the back door to open with the front doors, when i put the remote locking thing in ill just join the two together its probably only 2 wires to join, the remote system just reverses the polarity for lock/unlock.

looks like saturday morning is booked out for that then aye.

Re: remote locking 94 feroza 2

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:11 pm
by ezzamate
ok, finally installed the remote locking, had to mount an actuator in the drivers door. wasnt tooooo hard, just took time, far out cars are fiddly to wire. For some reason now though, the button in the centre console doesnt work anymore, but hey, i dont need to use it anymore either