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hilux 5spd oil replacement problem
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:58 pm
by captainjacksnooze
I have a 1989 rn105r 5 spd I assume its a g52 gearbox and I tried replacing the oil this afternoon however some nob has burred out the hex filler plug making it impossible to loosen so I was going to try fill it from the bolt rouglhy 10cm to the right of it but I thought I would ask someone here first whether that is the best option to take or maybe just remove the gear stick and pour it down there, I dont know much about this so any help would be appreciated, also does any one know how much oil the gear box takes? cheers
Re: hilux 5spd oil replacement problem
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:58 pm
by Gee
Those alloy plugs burr very easily especially the ones that take allen keys to remove. I did it to nearly every plug under my prado when I first got it
In most cases I have taken to them with a file and got a smaller spanner over them or got out the dremel and given them new edges. In extreme cases you can take a cold chisel to them. I've now replaced nearly all my plugs with steel plugs. Filling via the gear stick is
not a bad idea, I'd do that over removing another bolt somewhere on the box.
BTW- if you want to find out oil amounts any of the major oil companies have websites that will tell ya.