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body lift
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:06 pm
by shooter
hey guys i want some info on whats legal on a 88 hilux, ive got one and when i got it it came with 5 in lift ( 3" suspension, 2" body ) and 35" tyres, ive changed the tyres to 31's after i got defected for the tyres and lift.
are 31's legal ?
whats involved with removing the body lift ?
can you mod plate the suspension set up that i have at the moment for a future 3rz conversion ( i heard u have to have 2" body lift )
Re: body lift
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:16 pm
by Zuri92
2 inch bodylift is perfectly legal if approved by qld transport. 2 inch suspension is all you can legally do in qld, does not require approval. 31's are fine but no bigger , a 3rz will fit without body lift, well it should the luxes with them didnt come out with a body lift.
Re: body lift
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:59 am
by RED60
My understanding also, is the suspension lift can't be done with extended shackles... has to be done in the springs... though there are lots and lots of extended shackles around... maybe if it's not too silly (ie 2"0) QT aren't too harsh though I do believe it's technically illegal..

Re: body lift
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:12 pm
by banks001
2 inch body, 2inch suspension,
but to peope out there correct me if im wrong,
the rule states that u are aloud 1/3 of your original suspension, having 2 inch suspenison would mean that the standard hilux bump stop - chassi would have to be 6 inchs which from memory it is not (i think)
this is just something an engineer said to me today about gettin suspension engineered for 4inch lift,
but on the other hand, everyone has 2inch suspension and doesnt get done and it isnt really looked upon,
Re: body lift
Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:02 pm
by RED60
banks001 wrote:2 inch body, 2inch suspension,
but to peope out there correct me if im wrong,
the rule states that u are aloud 1/3 of your original suspension, having 2 inch suspenison would mean that the standard hilux bump stop - chassi would have to be 6 inchs which from memory it is not (i think)
this is just something an engineer said to me today about gettin suspension engineered for 4inch lift,
but on the other hand, everyone has 2inch suspension and doesnt get done and it isnt really looked upon,
My understanding also is that the factory nowhere quotes the original bump stop distance... so while the rules say max 1/3 of bump stop clearance... the factory doesn't quote the original clearance, so effectively you have nothing to base your measurement on... though as I said previously... if your not too silly you MAY get away with it...
Re: body lift
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:39 pm
by banks001
very true
Re: body lift
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:05 am
by Zuri92
guys get away with more than 2 inches lift every day, i did with my lux with RUF and ifs rears, on 33's though it was only a max of 4 inch lift. a while ago i rang qld transport and got pt on to a guy who knew his shizzle, and he reckoned that it was a 1/3 increaso or decrease in bumpstop gap, but he then said that all bump stop gaps are different so they find it easier to just go with 2 inch lift or lowered as in most cases it works out to be roughly correct and is acceptable on most if not all cars, and is much more universal than trying to measure 1/3
but then there is a question of, what is 2 inches? 2 inches taller than what. do they know the standard height, normally no, so they cant measure their 2 inches anyways. a mate of mine had to take his gu over the pits and could only source a 4 inch lift (had 7) so he went with that and 33's and told them it just had 2 inch lift and they passed it.....
so moral of the story is that nobody knows $hit, and as a general rule, stick to a 2 inch if it suits but if you want more then go more, just remember the higer you go, the greater the chance of them pulling you up.
Re: body lift
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:50 pm
by YN67highlux
i had to do a body lift to fit my 3rz. (yn67 88) the power streering reservoir sticks up to high for the bonnet to close and unless you beat the crap out of you firewall it will hit there aswell. you may be able to bolt box onto motor and put it in that way but i wouldnt recommend it as if you need to get box out to change clutch ect youll have to take motor out aswell because you wont be able to get to the bellhousing bolts, also when i got my bodylift approved i had to supply a recipt from my suspension dealer saying it was only 2' lifted.
Re: body lift
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:19 am
by shooter
ok went for a vehicle inspection the other day and they want it approved ( didn't have time to get it fixed ) now that i have the time, who approves bodylifts after they have been installed ( would assume you could get a certificate of approval when you get bodylift installed by 4x4 shop)
And a few other things they picked up where the drag link had to much play, how would you adjust this ???
The tyre placard is missing how do you obtain another ?
rear drivers side brake isnt engaging, assuming shoes or slave cylinder.
park brake isn't engaging assuming cable or adjustment to do with faulty rear brake.
Let me know if above are the right direction to travel in to get it fixed and get me back on the road for easter 4wding