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Engel portable power supply?
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:30 pm
by familybus
ok yesterday we had to park the boat and trailer up and leave the fridge at the picnic area and not bad for a while but yes kids open and shut the fridge without even gettin shit out and didnt last cold for long!
so yes now im on the hunt for the best way besides a small genni (cause they expensive) to kepp the froodge runnin for around 3 days!
cheers in advance Harv
Re: Engel portable power supply?
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:35 pm
by T_Diesel
I've got an old Optima D31 that only holds 12.5V charge sitting in the garage at home.
Over Christmas, I wired up some clips and a cig socket, connected an Engel 60 full of beer/wine onto it and left it running under my back verandah and I got 5 days out of it!
I was surprised how long it lasted, and once it was flat, I just put it back onto the battery charger.
Those portable battery packs do work but they are dear as poison!
Re: Engel portable power supply?
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:49 pm
by Wozza244
I had the same issues with my deep cycle but found out it was an earth problem, maybe check your earth?
Still, the best battery i used with the fridge was the supercharge allrounder, 4 days solid out of that.
About 300 from memory you can get a powerpack that lasts days on end, those supercheap jumper packs are no good for fridges and extended running time.