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hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:23 pm
by cavefella
hey guys, my 92' lux pulls severley to the right when i brake. pads arent worn, as i replaced them not long ago. there are no noises when i brake. they sound fine, just dont work fine haha. any ideas where to start?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:47 pm
by RAY185
Sticky caliper or air in the system.

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:00 pm
by cavefella
do you know how to bleed the brake lines?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:58 pm
by mrfras
Hi Cavefella,
Check your tyre pressures if not down on r/h then as Ray185 said the calipers may overhauling as rubbers are dragging on the piston, could be the other way & seals are bit loose allowing pistons to retrack a lot further & taking longer to come on.

As for bleeding brakes it can be a 2 man job or 1 man the 1 man job requires some sort of bleeder check valve fitted to nipple on caliper then open bleed nipple about 1 1/2 turns & pump pedal slowerly but make sure U keep master cylinder full of brake fluid or U going backwards if cyl fills with air.
2 man aproach is to have a person sit in cab & pump brake pedal for U then hold down whilst U crack bleeder nipple & expell air from system & U will have to do both front wheels.
Remember that brakes are a very cridical unit on a vechile if not shure what U doing take it to a mechanic as brake failure cost lives


Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:47 am
by monster fj
more than likley a siezd caliper i had this prob i pulled the brakes apart easy az there was two pots siezd they didnt look stuffd but when i pulled them apart the dust covers were full of mud i freed them up and it was all good

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:24 am
by cavefella
did you just use a brake cleaner product?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:38 am
by monster fj
yep and soked them in diesel for a while

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:59 pm
by cavefella
i pulled the caliper off lastnight, right hand side lookd fine. left hand side however, the caliper boots were like half off and there was alot of gunk everywhere.

ive got a caliper rebuild kit on the way. could the boots coming off cause my brakes pulling?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:16 pm
by jimmy087
have you still got the Torque rod on the front diff if so then check the bushes in it, as this will cause the car to do exactly as you described

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:29 am
by andrew270681
Has the caliper rebuild kit done the job?
My 94 4runner does the same thing but only difference is mine pulls to the left

I've changed bushes and idler arm but didn't help much.

Had Pedders do a wheel alignment and check torque rods and height and everything is A1

Tyres are brand new and inflated equally.

I bled my brakes with no luck either.

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:46 pm
by cavefella
hey guys, im stumped. did the caliper rebuild on both sides. all went perfectly. put the pads back in calipers back on, and guess what. doesnt pull to the right now pulls harder to the left:( wtf is going on.

im thinking it might have something to do with the pads. have i put the pads from the left side into the right side and now from un even wear they are slipping? i dont think its rotors, torque bar or nething like that as i didnt touch that lastnight. im thinking it would be something which can go on either left or right side eg. sliders, pads.

please help this is mighty frustrating

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:35 pm
by cavefella
ok guys swapped the pads over, now it pulls to the right again. im quite confident that its the pads. will replace them tomorrow:D

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:19 pm
by andrew270681
I just changed my brake pads with cheapie pads and my car brakes in a straight line again :D (so far)

I bought them from Marion brake and clutch. If this fixes my problem I will change my pads to bendix just for peace of mind

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:21 pm
by cavefella
so it fixed your problem aswell:D?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:02 am
by andrew270681
So far yes..
My brakes were on the worn side with only about 4-5000 ks left on them

I'm going to go easy on the brakes so they can bed in gradually but last night I applied my brakes and let go of the steering wheel and it pulled up dead straight and I went for a good 20 min drive..

I just find it strange how this fixed the problem?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:01 am
by RAY185
andrew270681 wrote:So far yes..
My brakes were on the worn side with only about 4-5000 ks left on them

I'm going to go easy on the brakes so they can bed in gradually but last night I applied my brakes and let go of the steering wheel and it pulled up dead straight and I went for a good 20 min drive..

I just find it strange how this fixed the problem?
Where the pads that you pulled out worn unevenly? As in one side of the car had evenly worn pads while the other side had a thick pad and a thin pad?

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:54 pm
by cavefella
one set of my pads was like black and burnt, where as the other side was your normal brake pad colour, lil dusty and brown

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:23 pm
by andrew270681
RAY185 wrote:
andrew270681 wrote:So far yes..
My brakes were on the worn side with only about 4-5000 ks left on them

I'm going to go easy on the brakes so they can bed in gradually but last night I applied my brakes and let go of the steering wheel and it pulled up dead straight and I went for a good 20 min drive..

I just find it strange how this fixed the problem?
Where the pads that you pulled out worn unevenly? As in one side of the car had evenly worn pads while the other side had a thick pad and a thin pad?

My passenger side was a little more worn.

I just went for a good drive on a freeway and I think the problem is still there but it's not as noticeable. I will keep you guys posted as to how I go.

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:24 pm
by andrew270681
RAY185 wrote:
andrew270681 wrote:So far yes..
My brakes were on the worn side with only about 4-5000 ks left on them

I'm going to go easy on the brakes so they can bed in gradually but last night I applied my brakes and let go of the steering wheel and it pulled up dead straight and I went for a good 20 min drive..

I just find it strange how this fixed the problem?
Where the pads that you pulled out worn unevenly? As in one side of the car had evenly worn pads while the other side had a thick pad and a thin pad?

My passenger side was a little more worn.

I just went for a good drive on a freeway and I think the problem is still there but it's not as noticeable. I will keep you guys posted as to how I go.

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:14 pm
by cavefella
new pads and the problem is fixed guys:D im guessing i had a sticky caliper to start with which caused un even wear. then rebuilt caliper but still used old pads which mad the problem exist still. new pads, pronlem fixed:D

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:32 am
by andrew270681
I checked my left caliper last night and even when I push the pistons all the way in I have 1 that sits out a little.
I'm going to see how I go now because my problem seems much better. If that doesn't work I will do a caliper overhaul.

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:22 am
by cavefella
how were the boots? im pretty sure my problem came from my boots coming off and then i spent a week on moreton so it siezed a caliper.

let us know how u go

Re: hilux pulls to right when braking

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:13 pm
by andrew270681
Boots were all good. My car seems to be much better now. I'm going to leave it for now unless the problem comes back