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coiling a Lux
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:30 pm
by high_lux
well gent's im sure its been covered before but i couldn't find any info
im thinking about coiling the rear end of my 90 DC lux and just wanted to know a lil info about the job
like what parts will i need stuff like that, even some build pics that other have done would be very helpful
Cheers Jase
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:04 pm
by Jcas24
mate the easiest way is to get a rear cut from a surf and built it up using that. lengthen the arms for better articulation.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:16 pm
by johnsy86
u can also save ur time and do a heap of other mods first.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:54 am
by high_lux
whats wrong with coiling the rear end, ??
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:41 am
by 4RUNNER_01
high_lux wrote:whats wrong with coiling the rear end, ??
It's a pretty big job to coil it, but does make the world of difference, i used a kit through locktup worked out about $1500 though it was fairly easy to install just time consuming.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:28 pm
by jnrlux
id use ifs rears in the rear remove a leaf or 2
RUF the front ,move the front diff forward and lock the diffs.
done deal no need to coil it .
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:06 am
by Zuri92
It's a lot of work when you can do soo much less work and less money to get leaves to work for you
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:43 pm
by blackarrowilly
On page 21 of ferrit posts there is a topic named " best donor for coil conversion on a lux". That post has heaps of info and photos of putting a 4runner rear in a hilux. I would give you the link if I knew how to do it

Have fun.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:18 pm
by Ryan_006
If your keeping your hilux on the road id be def coiling the arse end, you can get your coil rear end mod plated and engineered. Ive had mine with 3 link in the back using all gq coilhats and mounts etc, custom lower arms and an A - frame, for about 4 years now and have never had any dramas on road with legalities etc. I know plenty of blokes who have had plenty of troubles on road with IFS rears and trailgear springs, not to mention falcon springs and the like. Its simple, if its a bushpig and your on the cheap, do leaves. If you want to do it properly and have plenty of adjustability, and you dont mind the extra cost, link it. You wont regret it.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:48 pm
by Struth
This is one we are currently in the middle of, I am not saying that we are doing it the best way but this thread will show how easy it is if you are handy on the metal tools.
I think it is well worthwhile if you plan on keeping the car. ... 6&t=215691" onclick=";return false;
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:09 pm
by Willy Hilux
Cost me stuff all to do mine. Made my own brackets and arms and coil mounts etc. Just a bit of time grinding and cutting. Also good to have mates!
Standard nissan pathfinder rear coils work really well for a hilux.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:10 pm
by islandvitara
im also very interested to plan out how im goin to coil my hilux ln106... ive been doing a little research and so far ive come up with this list please correct me or add on to the parts ive missed
for the REAR:
- 4 x lower and upper control arm mounts
- 2 x upper control arms
- 2 x lower control arms
- 4 x coil seats/hats
what else have i missed? also the front what will be needed there? similar to the rear i would assume.. im not to familiar with 3 or 4 link setups so please dont hesistate to describe them

Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:31 pm
by brad 93hilux
If you arnt running 3-4 link then u will need a panhard rod plus upper and lower mounts.
Personally but I coiled mine with a 4 runner 5 link factory setup, easy as to do and works awesome..
Only adjustment to do now ( after 5 years ) is move the lower arms to the top and run 80 lowers.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:52 am
by islandvitara
cheers Brad, so i should be looking for a 4runner factory 5 link setup to graph into my ute. i'll be on the hunt now for this cheers also what will be needed for the front to convert it to coils? would it be simliar to the rear as i mentioned before or is it a different setup?
just trying to get a list together of what i need so i (and others) can get whats needed and do the conversion

Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:44 am
by brad 93hilux
The 4 runner rear is really easy because the chassy widths and profile are exactly the same.. just alot of cutting grinding, measuring and welding.
Front to make it work well needs to be a little more custom, you could use a bundera front housing coil hats etc but the bundies don't flex that well factory.
I just left the leaf front, I get a decient ride from efs springs and it flex's really well. Can't justify going to all the effort for no more wheel travel but slightly better ride..IMOP.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:37 am
by islandvitara
oh ok cool, well think i'll take your advice and coil the rear first n go fromt there i think

what did the 4runner setup cost you roughly? just to purchase the 5 link? once ive got hold of a 5link 4runner i'll fit it up with a mate..
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:51 am
by brad 93hilux
Think it was about 4-500, but I sold off Ifs front end, towbar and my leaf rear end and few other bits n pieces so was about 200..
The coil rear end I got already came with adjustable panhard so I could adjust for 4" lift.
Do a search there will be heaps of info about it, I put alot of info on here with pics a while back.
Good luck
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:02 pm
by brad 93hilux
The rear cuts cone up on here and eBay from time to time but failing that ring a few wreckers .. Should pay around $500 mark, maybe less.
I needed the rolling chassy so I can remove the hand brake setup and mounts.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:40 pm
by islandvitara
4-$500!!! that is a bargain! didnt think it'd be that cheap, makes it me really wanna hook in now

yeah i will be doin a few phone calls around here for a 4runner setup cheers for that hey mate!!
whats your leaf spring setup in the front? my current 2inch lift leaves are 6leaves in the front and 7 in the rear and its pretty bumpy considering i have a light weight custom tray...
this is the rear leaf pack...all 7 of em
and the Front leaf pack...all 6 of em
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:07 pm
by brad 93hilux
I have 3" lifted efs springs with a extra load spring in the front (bull bar, winch, duel batteries) and only restriction is the length of shock. Could go extended shock mount but don't believe more travel is necessary.
I bought the front suspension kit through superior engineering as a 4" efs/ rancho kit, at the time was a great price.
I now run 4 runner 4" lifted heavy coils with 35mm coil spacers and rancho shocks.
Originally I ran medium/ light coils but found them too soft. 5" coil would be better but I only guessed at the time.

Not huge flex but more then enough for me
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:57 pm
by a1 mech
If your going to fit a coil rear IMO u shud set it up with longer lowers and a A frame or triangulated upper setup so u can delete the panhard. The standard 4runner/surf 5link control arms are to short once you fit decent length coils, The rear steer is insane on travel and you will need to do some BFH treatment to the fueltank as the tailshaft walks across into it on travel.
I think coils are over rated anhow, 3" locktup or trailgear kits flex insane, drive fine on road and are simple. If you fit some better shocks like fox remotes and either swaybars or airbumps then they corner perfectly.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:32 pm
by Mr DJ
Tailshaft lovi'n the fuel tank is easy to fix, extend the chassis mount of the panhard down around 80mm. This reduces the amount of swing left & right on the diff during articulation + lowers your roll centre
If your using Surf/4Runner rear cut and don't want to use a custom tank you might want to grab a fuel tank as well as it has a recess in the top corner to allow for the drivers side top control arm chassis mount.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:39 pm
by brad 93hilux
I have had my 4 runner coil rear in for about 5 years now and havn't found the rear steer an issue what so ever, longer trailing arms would be the go, I will be pitting standard 80 lowers and use the 4 runner lowers for the top.
If you were going to start cutting off mounts for a A frame setup it defeats the purpose of using a 4 runner setup, prob then be less work to do a full custom setup. IMOP
And with the fuel tank... Remove the factory tank and put a Prado tank 80L under the tray.. This fixed the lean you get on most hilux's and allows room if you wanted to put longer Controll arms in (like I will be).
For the cost involved and the skill needed to do the conversion I still believe it is worth it even with the short Controll arms. With the sway bar on it handles pretty good, can carry weight in ute, flexes well with Diecent ride quality..
But hey thats my opinion,
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:06 pm
by a1 mech
Dont get me wrong, I know the standard 5link works ok, Mine used to hav it but I like doing things backwards to most, Got rid of my rear steer in a different way too Doug
Pretty much If I was doing a coil swap in the rear Id go the extra mile and set it up with one of Buddys flash 9.5" diff IFS width housings and custom arm arrangements. You are going to have to cut and weld gear on anyhow so mite as well end up with a better diff.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:11 pm
by Mr DJ
Still have my rear steer ATM, changing panhard mount does not do anything for rear steer have to lengthen the arms for that.
100% agree on the rear diff.
Re: coiling a Lux
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:37 pm
by Swandart
islandvitara wrote:cheers Brad, so i should be looking for a 4runner factory 5 link setup to graph into my ute. i'll be on the hunt now for this cheers also what will be needed for the front to convert it to coils? would it be simliar to the rear as i mentioned before or is it a different setup?
just trying to get a list together of what i need so i (and others) can get whats needed and do the conversion

I will Have one for sale in about two months with a 4.3 diff center If you interested pm me