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100 series 4.5 petrol to 1hd-fte

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:25 pm
by hzjcruiser
Hi. Im considering getting a 4.5 petrol gxl 100 series as they are going pretty cheap nowdays and converting it to a 1hd-fte engine. I know the engine mounts, sump,fuel system ect are different but thats no big deal for me. I just need to know if the 1hd-fte will bolt straight up to the gearbox (manual) thats in the 4.5 petrol 100 series cruisers. Also, if i cannot find a manual version is it a big deal to get the 4speed auto to work with the 1hd-fte or convert the car from auto to manual?

Re: 100 series 4.5 petrol to 1hd-fte

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:26 pm
by Dane
Contact Thrashlux mate.

Re: 100 series 4.5 petrol to 1hd-fte

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:27 am
by popeyehj60
the manuals are getting hard to find.
if u were going to stick with the auto then ud slot the 5 speed in and get rid of the 4 speed slushbox with the motor.
to do it properly with all the parts needed is about a 20-25,000 dollar conversion depending on what else needs adjusting on the vehicle to suit the new motor and what conditon the motor is.

its not a conversion id leave to someone to do in there backyard. alot of cost to have it all go wrong.

Re: 100 series 4.5 petrol to 1hd-fte

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:52 pm
by searchin oz
Theres a few that have done the conversion over on LCOOL. maybe have a look there and ask the relevant people.

Re: 100 series 4.5 petrol to 1hd-fte

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:06 pm
by oldmate
There are two issues if you are thinking about bolting it up to the 4speed from a 1fz.

1. the link between the gearbox and engine that cuts power during shifting (for a smoother shift) may not initially work. Gettting this to work could be a hassle.

2. The shift timing for the petrols is different at full throttle due to the red line difference with the diesel engine. If you floor it at around 90kph, the auto will go back to second sending the engine to near 5k rpm. Similary if you floor it off the line, the auto may not up shift at redline because the rpm will be lower than expected.