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Where to get 4.3 diff gears for my cruiser?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:22 am
by TheBigBoy
Hi guys, Im rebuilding my diff centres in my 80 series and adding a front air locker. The usual solid pinion spacers etc.

Ive found the run out on my crown wheel is .13mm and the tollerance in my book is .1mm. Im at the point where I have to make a decission to get a new crown wheel and pinion, or leave the 4.1's and .13mm run out. Will this be ok or will it be noisy???

If I have to get a new crown wheel and pinion, where do I get 4.3's from?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Re: Where to get 4.3 diff gears for my cruiser?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:34 am
by Willy Hilux
This guy will get them and install if you want. " Diff & Gearbox Industries" at 2/280 Newmarket Rd, Wilston

His name is Steve
Ph. 33568397 or 0417704942

He does my comp diffs up. He does all the 4x4 hire mob next door to him which are all landcruisers.

Solid pinion spacers you can get from "Locktup" Front you will need what the Yanks call the V6 solid diff spacer.

Re: Where to get 4.3 diff gears for my cruiser?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:44 am
by TheBigBoy
Thanks Willy, I already have a full rebuild kit from locktup with the solid spacer.

Re: Where to get 4.3 diff gears for my cruiser?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:10 am
by mickdirt
I've got 4.3's in my 80 front's all good just use 105 cnp, for the rear I have a 105 rear hemispher/arb locker fitted with 80 star gears to fit the axles, had to do a tiny bit of grinding to the housing to fit the wider 105 crown wheel other then that no probs at all. :armsup: