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Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:09 pm
by keyfie
hey guys,

i just purchased a sierra and drove it for an hour on the freeway, stopped at the lights and the engine cut. this continued to happed with every stop at the traffic light. it seemed when i put the clutch in to change down to 1st it would cut out. This doesnt happen when i drive it for a short period of time, it seems to be on a longer drive, could it be the carb needs tuning or could it be the hot idle compinsator?

oh and also once i got to my destination i put it in nuteral and it idled fine, it seemed it was just when the clutch was in it seemed to do it.

Any help would be fantastic.

cheers guys

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:39 pm
by Kitika
Sounds like the carb is buggered.

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:29 am
by zukmeista
My vote is shit coming from the fuel pump/lines and blocking the idle jet. Mine does it too, I reckon if you put another fuel filter just before the carby it'll fix it. ;)

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:12 am
by keyfie

when you put another fuel filter closer to the craby did it fix the problem?

cos i just replaced the old fuel filter with a new one, it wasnt looking to good when i got it off.


Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:12 pm
by zukmeista
Nah, I havn't got around to doing it yet, more important things to spend money on, like fuel :roll:

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:01 pm
by keyfie
hey guys,

Ive been reading up some causes for this im just wondering what you would think of the ignition coil starting to
crap its self?

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:12 pm
by shakes
Are all your vacuum lines connected to where they should be going and in good condition?

Next guess the carby has gunk in it/is out of tune.

I would lean more towards carby issue than spark to begin with.

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:08 pm
by MazdaSpater
Mine did the same, used to start and idle fine until you drove it around for a while.
Had a chunk of shit in the passage to the idle jet, would come loose and work fine, then suck into the idle jet fuel hole in the end and crap out.

The stocky carb is irritating, to pull the top off you have to unbolt from the manifold and the carb heater plate. I pulled two diagonal bolts and replaced them with threaded rod with a nut at the bottom and top to hold the carb bottom down. Makes it much better to pull apart.

The idle jet is the one sticking out of the top face of the carb once you pull the top off.

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:24 pm
by buddah_04
mate, pull out the idle solenoid from the carby, make sure the very small o-ring at the end of the solenoid is still good, not missing or torn.

also check whether the solenoid works. if its a 1 wire solenoid, plug the connector in while its out of the carb and hold it onto the edge of the carby to earth it out. if its a 2 wire, ull need to get a second person to hear if the sloenoid clicks when the ignition is turned on.

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:09 pm
by keyfie

I replaced the ignition coil on it cos it was reading really high and overheating, also adjusted the idle and it hasnt cut out since.

its purring away now with no problems at all.

thanks for all the suggestions as well guys

Re: Sierra engine cutting out

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:50 pm
by JU5T1N
1st. check condition of rear fuel filter may need replacing.

2nd. Unplug the 2nd and 3rd leads and swap them around.
Now start the car (don't panic as it may back fire thru carby)
Slowly accelerate the motor, this will miss fire the motor causing a carny back fire unblocking it.
turn motor off
return 2 and 3 to there correct positions
Drive it like you stole