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Safaris vs Patrol td42

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:38 am
by Lawrence
I know this may be a funny question, but it seems like the specs on the td42 Safari are slightly more powerful than the Patrol 1995 Nissan Safari, Van extra standard roof 4 door DX Modification - all pics, specs, parts and prices
The horsepower and torque are a bit more and the compression ratio in the later years was also a bit more (probably the lighter pistons). Has anybody driven both? I know that the Safaris come at a higher spec than the Patrol overall. The gearbox also seems to have different ratios. A friend of mine who swapped out his engine for a Safari engine and gearbox swears that the ratios feel higher to him. It seems that Nissan made two slightly different version of the box for the td42, based on the market that they were made for. Can anyone confirm this?
Difference in horspower/torque figures could be based on the emission requirements of the particular market though, as the td42 in the gu has the same horsepower figures as the patrol.

Re: Safaris vs Patrol td42

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:43 am
by Yom
most certainly there are slightly different revisions of the same gearbox with different synchros, 5th gears and also ratios available throughout Y60/GQ patrols powered by TD42.

I drove a few Safaris and Patrols before I bought my aussie delivered 92 Patrol TD42 wagon and my observation was:

imported 88/89 Safaris usually had MORE power and torque than the aussie delivered wagons.
91 and newer gearboxes shifted smoother and the ratios were better matched to the engine than earlier models, particularly with 2nd and 3rd gears.

In saying that my 92 went quite well until I had to put a reconditioned pump on it (then it went downhill in a BIG way)

Re: Safaris vs Patrol td42

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:10 pm
by Lawrence
Thanks for confirming that Yom. I have read a lot about how the td42 is a real slug, but I find that once in 4th ( my top gear), it has quite a lot of get up and go, especially when you ride the torque curve. I think over this side of the world, we may have the same power specs as the Safaris. My friend says he wants to swap back to the 4th speed box, so i am waiting patiently on him to make the swap. He uses his to work on his farm, whereas mine does mostly road duties, so that box would really suit me