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vitara lift kits

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:22 pm
by dusty
hi there just bought a 95 soft top vitara
i would like to put a 2 inch lift kit
and a 2 inch body lift
has anyone bought any lift kits from states <calmini>
it appears to be the same as snake racing but half the price.
what other kits are out there and cheaper then snake racing stuff any help would be great thanks

Re: vitara lift kits

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:28 am
by Xplode
hey mate i recently sold my 94 soft top vitara

i ran the 3 inch kit from calmini with 31x10.5R15 and they never fouled once.

the kit i bought came with the 3 inch bodylift that i never bothered to put because you really REALLY dont need it or want to put it in..... you get maximum wheel travel with the 3inch kit and 31's and you want to keep the centre of gravity as low as possible.

the only thing i would sugest is your either put a bull bar on the front or purchase OME front struts as the calmini kits struts are geared to have a bullbar present and are rather stiff.... also take all the sway bars out of the truck annoying and very limiting.

Re: vitara lift kits

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:25 am
by dusty
so you calmini kit was it from the states or bought in aus cheers wheres the best place to get one.

Re: vitara lift kits

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:49 pm
by zook4fun
low range, he sends stuff over here all the time.

Re: vitara lift kits

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:32 pm
by danssurf82
i just smacked some 50mm coil spacers in the rear and 30 mm spacers in the front... works fine, in the rear longer shocks

for the front got some 50mm strut spacers which drop the original struts to give you 50mm more down travel...

alot cheaper than the calmini kits and work prob just as good as my mate has the 3" calmini kit... and they both perform the same but he keeps snapping front cv's cause of the extra cv angle so i would say mine is more reliable...

save your money and spend it on a rear locker or reduction gears...

Re: vitara lift kits

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:48 am
by Xplode
i order my kit myself.... heaps cheaper cuts out the middle man
i just went to the calmini site and ordered it there, you order what you want give them your info and pay.... it will even cheaper now with the way the dollar is.
the calmini kit comes with a diff drop kit in it which brings cv angle back to standard or very close and i never once broke a cv the whole time i owned my Vit
If your working to a budget your spacers are the best thing with longer shocks, like what was mentioned you can save money on lifting and then spend good money on tires locker and reduction gears