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Not all of the Oil drains out, 2H

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:22 am
by cruiser60series
Last two times I've done an oil change on the HJ47 I've only got about 7L out of what should be approx 10L sump. Also oil is not simply low as I can only add 7L too.

Any ideas? I am not warming it up enough???....I doubt that as I've changed the oil on a 2H a bazillion times and always warmed it up enough. Perhaps I have a blockage down some oil passage?

Two other notes are
1. Oil pressure cut off will cut the engine EVERY time when I first start it cold....didn't used to (doesn't do it when warm)
2. I need to replace the rear main seal...some oil leaking into bell housing.

Whatever help is appreciated.

Re: Not all of the Oil drains out, 2H

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:22 am
by oldmate
Are you accounting for the oil filter?

I guess the other case is you have a sump/engine with about 3 litres equivalent volume of tar/sludge in it.

I would drop the sump and have a look. The oil pressure cut off on cold starts is a good indication there is something wrong.

Re: Not all of the Oil drains out, 2H

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:23 pm
by cruiser60series
Hmmm, This has been with changing filters each time. I think I will drop the sump to have a look. I haven't been believing the oil pressure sender unit as I have had 2 fail before (on other cars). The oil pressure does build up to normal levels after starting a second time.

Either way these aren't particularly the answers I want to hear.

Re: Not all of the Oil drains out, 2H

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:50 pm
by hj 45
There's a capacitor in the fuel control relay that acts as a timer for the oil pressure cutout. I'm willing to bet that replacing this capacitor with a new one will solve that problem. From memory, it is a 25 volt, 330 microfarad capacitor.

Re: Not all of the Oil drains out, 2H

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:37 pm
by toaddog
Try some of the flushing oil concentrate from here" onclick=";return false;

Before you start pulling bits off the motor.