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drag link tightening?!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:15 am
by shooter
so im getting my car back to " roadworthy spec after it got defected " and one of the things they pulled up was the drag link and the play in it has to meet the manufacturers specifications. I had a look at it and it has a grease nipple on either end so im assuming its a ball joint in each end. It moves sideways about 4mm so how do you tighten this up?!

The other two things are getting a tyre placard and getting my bodylift approved, who does this and what kind of cost am i looking at ?!

Re: drag link tightening?!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:45 pm
by luxtc
shooter wrote:so im getting my car back to " roadworthy spec after it got defected " and one of the things they pulled up was the drag link and the play in it has to meet the manufacturers specifications. I had a look at it and it has a grease nipple on either end so im assuming its a ball joint in each end. It moves sideways about 4mm so how do you tighten this up?!

The other two things are getting a tyre placard and getting my bodylift approved, who does this and what kind of cost am i looking at ?!
to tightn ur draglink u remove the split pins from each end and get a big screw driver and turn it clock wise to tightn but the inner clamps may be warn and not clamp onto the balljoint proply but u can buy rebuild kits off ebay cheap.uve pretty much got no chance these days gettn the bodylift engineered but u should be able to a tyre placard up from toyota.hope this helps

Re: drag link tightening?!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:55 pm
by shooter
thanks, I'll have a go at tightening it when i install my new engine mounts, if that doesn't fix the play then ill have to get the kits for it. So if theres bugger all chance of getting it engineered then how hard and what do you have to do to get it removed as i want this ready for the easter holidays.