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Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:59 pm
by korrruption
hey guys im new to this forum.
ive been looking around for a new car lately.
and this is my dream 4x4. its just a quick photoshop chop. (its NOT real)
anyway to have one of these would be freakin AWESOME imo.
ive been lookin around at some 4x4 body mod sites and i reckon i could get it done if i decide to finally buy one.
anyway here it is...

Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:31 am
by arnijr
Why? Not dismissing the idea, but what do you want to gain? Seems to me it would be a lot of work for a ridiculously small pickup bed.
Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:53 am
by korrruption
yeah it would be a bit of work. the place im looking at though can make tray extensions and even chassis extensions so i figure with a longer tray it would be cool.
i dont know i just want something original and unique. did i forget to mention im a graphic designer?
yeah i like everything to be orignal. but i also want to make my mark on it and calll it MINE...
im also a cfa volunteer so to have a tray in the back to hold all my smelly gear would be good so it doesnt stink up the inside..
Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:01 pm
by korrruption
here is a landcruiser from wide bay motor bodies that they converted to show what im on about...

now with extended tray

Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:34 pm
by arnijr
Beware that extending the bed, while giving you more space, will also accentuate one of the Pajero's weak points, its long and dragging ass. That can be fixed to some extent with bigger tires and moving the rear axle backwards but then you run into gearing issues.
It seems to me you would be better served by an L200 or Triton or whatever you call them in Australia. That has five seats and a decent bed and allows you the option to put a cap on the bed.
You'll notice that on the Land Cruiser the axle has been moved seriously backwards.
Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:15 pm
by boganracing
hows about photo chopping a single cab? would be cooler imo or even a tray back single cab paj?
Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:34 am
by NJV6
Its called a J Top!!! Comes factory......

Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:47 pm
by big wheel sigma
I chopped my j-top after a roll, added an exo cage and couldn't be happier, I'd add pics if I knew how but I guess you'll have to look at my avatar
Cheers Jeff
Re: Chopped up Paj...
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:49 pm
by boganracing
i was talking a lwb paj ute not a jtop