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Dual band antennas

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:13 pm
by TheOtherLeft
Hiya gurus,

I'm looking at buying a Wouxun KG-UVD1 dualband UHF/VHF handheld for 4WDing. However I want to have a mount in the 4WD with an external aerial. If it was only UHF then that would be easy but being dual band is there a way to RX/TX on both UHF and VHF? Would I have to have seperate UHF & VHF antenna and some sort of switch to switch between them? Is there a way to use both at the same time?


Re: Dual band antennas

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:10 pm
by Harb
You realise that it is a "Ham" Radio and non compatible with "Normal" CB UHF....... it operates on Amateur radio Frequencies that you require a special license to use, and dont line up with CB band radios anyway....

The radio you are talking about operates on the Amateur bands which are 136-174MHz & 400-470MHz where the CB bands are 27Mhz (HF) and 477Mhz (UHF)

Re: Dual band antennas

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:14 pm
by TheOtherLeft
Harb wrote:You realise that it is a "Ham" Radio and non compatible with "Normal" CB UHF....... it operates on Amateur radio Frequencies that you require a special license to use, and dont line up with CB band radios anyway....

The radio you are talking about operates on the Amateur bands which are 136-174MHz & 400-470MHz where the CB bands are 27Mhz (HF) and 477Mhz (UHF)
I know it can't do HF band. Isn't marine VHF 156-157 MHz? I live on the coast so wouldn't mind having a listen. I understand airband is lower.

The Wouxun comes in a dualband with 450-520MHz range so is fine for UHF.

Re: Dual band antennas

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 5:29 pm
by GeneralFubashi
This might work, however after owning a different model OPEK, im not sure id class them in the same league as what you expect from GME, RFI Industries etc. I take mine off when driving so it doesnt break itself off.

Not difficult fitting a BNC plug to it, but i'm really not sure you would be super happy with any range improvement that may or may not come from fitting the below. ... ts_id=1729" onclick=";return false;

Re: Dual band antennas

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:23 am
by rickstrap
i have had one for 12 months top little radio you can get two of them on ebay delivered for 260 bucks they come with software and can also get software for it that unlocks the radio so you can listen to airband and marine bands and alot more. if you get one pm me and ill send you it .and you dont need dual band antanna as was said it.s a ham radio so you wont be transmiting on vhf any way uhf antenna will pick up vhf signals no prob :lol: :lol: :lol: