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Gti wiring

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:23 pm
by zukitrev
G'day all, been wiring up gti engine in sierra,have got the wiring diagram of this site but it's for US model and I 'm not sure about the two wires for the air bypass (if thats what you call it) it has a big adjustment screw on it and i guess it mounts to the firewall, and hoses run to inlet manifold.It has a red and a yellow wire going to it. I can get the engine to start but dies after about 2 seconds, think it''s something to do with this. It's a bit like when the idle soleniod is not working on a carby model. So this is what I have worked out so far.
From the big round plug, 8 wires ,blue- to thermo fan,brown/ yellow- ign module, black-earth, purple/green-diagnostics plug,pink/white-fuel pump relay, white/black ??????, black/white- ignition,white/blue-ignition. Green rectangle plug, 11 wires, brown- ecu ignition, white/red- alt warning light, blue/red A/c coupler????,yellow/white- temp ,Yellow- this i think goes to the air bypass,need to know what to connect to,red- same as prev, white - constant 12 volts, black/yellow-starter,Violet/yellow- diagnostics, violet- warning light ecu fault.
So theres a couple unknown with ????, the red and yellow for the air , and any thing else there tha looks not right thanks