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80 series Vs 100series cvs longs

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:17 pm
by 4X4 shorty
Hi wondering if anyone can tell me for sure if these are the same or the 100s are bigger and buy how much?? SOME PEOPLE HAVE SAID THEY ARE DIFFERENT AND SOME SAY THE SAME and I don't want to pull apart my 100 just to compare to 80series ones

Just thinking of a strenght thing
will be going longs anyway


.......was also told by a reseller the 60 series longs are stronger the the 80 longs?? due to splines ??what the??? sent an email to bobby but any ideas????

Re: 80 series Vs 100series cvs longs

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:24 pm
by BUSTED100
i have recently put Longfieled CV & axles in my 105 cruiser. fit was fine but I had to buy 78/79/105 free wheeling hubs and get another cir clip grove machined in about 7mm in.

Re: 80 series Vs 100series cvs longs

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:02 pm
by 4X4 shorty
BUSTED100 wrote:i have recently put Longfieled CV & axles in my 105 cruiser. fit was fine but I had to buy 78/79/105 free wheeling hubs and get another cir clip grove machined in about 7mm in.

The problem is that locktup told me was a soon a you put a new grove in the cv it voids the warranty???? because its modifying it I wonder what bobby says about it ???

are the cvs you put in are they for a 100 only or are they the same as the 80s that longfeild sell????

Re: 80 series Vs 100series cvs longs

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:39 pm
by BUSTED100
both the same, the longfields are made for the later 80's which in the States are constant 4x4 with the wider flange/spline. The constant 4x4 105 drive flanges are the correct width to run with out the grove but Toyota changed the spline between the constant and free wheeling CV's on 105 so they don't fit. You can run those shitie AVM hubs and fit a spacer to fill the gap but not in the Asin hubs

CYA at OL Challenge