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fj62 rear wiper relays

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:40 pm
by rod baker
hi all i am have drama's trying to get my rear wiper to work i.
i have swapped all electrics and interior from a gxl sahara fj62 1988 into my 1982 fj 60 and now the only thing left not working is the rear wiper i have tested the switch and it is good .
there are two relays in the left rear quarter 1 is screwed from water one is ok are these the for the rear wiper

Re: fj62 rear wiper relays

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:42 am
by jozlod
i personally never use a rear wiper, you could just remove it maybe...

but just try swapping the relay with another one from somewhere else, either that or get the test light / multi meter out and start tracing wiring :)

Re: fj62 rear wiper relays

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:12 pm
by rod baker
yeah i have been testing as best i can the manual says one relay and there is 2 there not even sure its rear wiper yet doing my head in
and i started with nothing working in the tail gate so far the washer works and demister lock motor tries but i am getting there.

Re: fj62 rear wiper relays

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:47 pm
by rod baker
i have spent all weekend playing and i appear to be missing the wiper control unit that is in the rear quarter i am not sure what the relays are for
so if somebody has on i need one