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GQ Stub Axle

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:00 am
by Jimbo
Over the weekend my wheel bearing collapsed and had to get a tow to Deniliquin (wouldn't take me to Echuca). They have just rang and said that it needs a new rotor and stub axle and were just getting prices from Nissan. I can see Nissan charging an arm and a leg for this. Does anyone know where i can get these parts in Northern Vic or maybe even in Melb (just post them up) and what the cost might be?



Re: GQ Stub Axle

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:35 am
by tehekho
Just swap the whole diff/axle?

Re: GQ Stub Axle

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:53 am
by Jimbo
The problem is the car is 350km away.

I just rang Patrolapart and they are trying to organise some parts. $85 instead of $500 nissan want for spindle

Re: GQ Stub Axle

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:42 pm
by hammey
yep gimme a call i have them both..

cheers smitty :D

Re: GQ Stub Axle

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:27 pm
by Jimbo
Sorry mate its all fixed!