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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:31 pm
by jeanette blake
i have a 99 ifs hilux petrol,
with the front hubs locked in,then when i turn steering to the right & left while moving ,there is a knocking sound from both wheels
i am pretty sure it is the c.v's
can i replace the outer's our do i have to replace the lot.
or is it worthwhile getting them rebuilt / if they do that or just buy new ones.
thank u
Re: c.v's
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:58 pm
From what youve posted, it sounds like the CVs are busted.
The only way to know how bad they are, is to pull them out and have a looksee.
I dont think it would cost too much to buy new ones.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:02 am
by MogLux
DUDELUX wrote:From what youve posted, it sounds like the CVs are busted.
The only way to know how bad they are, is to pull them out and have a looksee.
I dont think it would cost too much to buy new ones.
Dude lux just cause the clicking doesn't meat here "busted".... It means there worn and on there way out...
Replace the lot, depending on the wheeling you do in an IFS rig .. Standards are Probly ok ..
Re: c.v's
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:18 am
Busted - on their way out, both means they need to be replaced. Which is what I was saying.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:59 am
by zook4fun
What are people doing to upgrade the ifs cv's
Re: c.v's
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:26 am
by 91Mav
zook4fun wrote:What are people doing to upgrade the ifs cv's
SAS and Longs
Re: c.v's
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:54 am
by zook4fun
Ha ha very funny. ill never go bigger than a 33" because its my daily so that's a waste of time
Re: c.v's
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:46 pm
If youve wound up your torsion bars, you might want to think about doing a diff drop, to bring the CV angles back to almost normal, making less stress on the CVs.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:17 pm
by zook4fun
DUDELUX wrote:If youve wound up your torsion bars, you might want to think about doing a diff drop, to bring the CV angles back to almost normal, making less stress on the CVs.
bars are in the stock position so the cv angle is fine.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:08 pm
by jeanette blake
thanks so much for the help boys, we r ringin around to get some prices and details.
and atm she is not lifted just a stock standerd i got to get rid of the cheese cutters and new rubber then a snorkle and new exhast
my son has offered to come do them for me and i was wondering do we need anything as in tools different from the normal (as in nothing spec)
also when i bought the ute a few wks ago the fellow gave me one key which opens drivers door and start s the car no prob ...but the other doors will not unlock ...some one told me
a. i need the master key ( no jks here)
b. that it is the barrel has been changed
any one else got any idea's before i go visit a locksmith ...
ta jeanette
Re: c.v's
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:23 pm
You will need a master key, the key barrel won't need to be changed.
What year model is it?
Some you can program a new master some require a new module and all sorts of shit.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:18 am
by jeanette blake
it is a 99 model
Re: c.v's
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:31 am
by VooDoo
You can buy barrel sets pretty cheap. I did my GQ locks for under $100 and took under an hour to fit the lot inc a replacement steering column.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:24 pm
99 is a bit before my time. But if the key is the same as a 99 corolla, which I am thinking yes. Northside Locksmiths should be able to duplicate the code on their bed. Otherwise Milenium locksmiths will be able to do it but the cost will be higher than Northside.
Re: c.v's
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:04 pm
by jeanette blake
ok so i am out at lowood (fernvale/esk ) way.
i may be heading back into brisbane southside next week to see mother inlaw also have a club meeting to attend so will have a call around befor we go out there.
and see, i know there is a good locksmith near mums place so will give him a call
again thanks for the advice
no body made a comment on if i needed to get any spec tools to do c.v's, so i will just save the pennies i will also get some new bearing's just in case when i/my son removes c.v's they need doing
but all in all i know that the tracks aroung ormeao r pretty tame now but i still enjoyed the drive ...did not have the balls to drive down the rock wall end but still enjoyed it.
my last truck was an auto surf so i am getting used to the gears now lol
thanks jeanette
Re: c.v's
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:39 pm
I know in my solid front axle Lux, I had to buy a hub socket, and some circlip pliers for when I rebuilt my front axle.
The hub socket cost me about 27bucks from Online Auto Parts(I think they have an ebay store), its a thin 54mm socket.
I have no idea if youll need these, as Ive never opened an IFS hub before.