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arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:05 pm
by nathan 60s
hey im about to give my 80 series cruiser a birthday and put front and rear lockers was thinking arbs but have heard heaps of storys of air leaks and oil leaking back up the line and couldnt find any feed back about the e lockers any help would be good thanks
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:09 pm
by 4X4 shorty
nathan 60s wrote:hey im about to give my 80 series cruiser a birthday and put front and rear lockers was thinking arbs but have heard heaps of storys of air leaks and oil leaking back up the line and couldnt find any feed back about the e lockers any help would be good thanks
What are you doing with the 80 and what tyre size??
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:17 pm
have one for the front... yet to be installed.
yeah the oil goes up the line, stopped mine from working.
silicon spray, take the hose off the diff, spray from the top, no problem since. ARB
another guy i go off road with, now has his as an ash tray. broke it. ARB
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:18 pm
by nathan 60s
just 35s give it a bit of a hard time no comps or anything like that
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:31 pm
by 4X4 shorty
nathan 60s wrote:just 35s give it a bit of a hard time no comps or anything like that
I have had elokkers I like them saying that I have broken them before at TT this year I snapped a long side longfield and the recoiled distroyed it but it is repairable that was running 40' treps somethings gotta give
only on running on 35s not on a comp truck probally the last forever I would run them anyday they seem to be getting a good name in the states
i thinks its a case of each to their own but my vote is elokker just like them
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:39 pm
by nathan 60s
thanks for the input
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:55 am
by TheBigBoy
Oil coming back up the line is a common problem. By no means does it make it not work just as good. Just every now and then after using it a fair few times unscrew the line from the diff and engage that locker. Blowing the oil out. Pretty easy service.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:23 am
by pigletracing
TheBigBoy wrote:Oil coming back up the line is a common problem. By no means does it make it not work just as good. Just every now and then after using it a fair few times unscrew the line from the diff and engage that locker. Blowing the oil out. Pretty easy service.
Just blowing out the line will not fix the problem, as the problem is further in than the air lines, & once the line starts filling with oil it will take longer to activate the locker.
The ARB air locker has an internal air actuator that is sealed with a rubber "O" ring over time this part will wear causing it to blow oil back up the line & out of the top of the solenoid. if it leaks from new, it has been installed incorrectly (pinched or banged).
TJM have Their NEW PRO-LOCKER (has been out for a while now) The first prolocker TJM put was recalled due to them trying to re-invent the wheel.
The NEW PRO-LOCKER is basicly an ARB locker that has been modified by putting in stronger cluster gears & an external air actuator (so no more oil blow backs)
They come standard with the Extra Heavy Duty lines that you pay extra for with the ARB one & NEW Carrier bearings that are also an extra with arb.
You will also find the price about the same as the arb locker without having to buy H/D LINES & BEARINGS.
ARB would not cover mine & alot of people & know as we used them in comps.
I NOW have TJM PRO-LOCKERS I I now have no problems.
This is not just because I work at TJM , but because I play Hard Core! for a long time we had no choice other than arb, but now you do .
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:38 am
by TheBigBoy
I pulled mine out and changed the seals. Fixed it for about a year and a half. I find its just easier to clear the line after a weekend of 4x4ing.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:23 am
by hulsty
A mate has an eaton in the back of his 80 running 37''s only used in anger a few times, no issues. I have/had an ARB locker in my cruiser, recently broke an axle on 35''s and now its permanenetly locked, somethings broken, NEVER any problems with oil coming up the lines or leaks, it was installed properly.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:08 pm
Had ARB's front and back for 5 and 7 years respectively. Never missed a beat running 35's to 32's
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:29 pm
by popeyehj60
id go the e lockers.
no waiting for the compressor to pump up. no air leaks. no orings
ive put a few e lockers in cars now and havent had a single one comeback
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:35 pm
SCANAS wrote:Had ARB's front and back for 5 and 7 years respectively. Never missed a beat running 35's to 32's
Rear in the old 4runner and front and rear in the 40. Never had any of there problems. Have seen a mates GQ ute but with the oil spraying out the breather line problem. Its lockers had been in for ages and lots of kms but.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:40 pm
by TheBigBoy
popeyehj60 wrote:id go the e lockers.
no waiting for the compressor to pump up. no air leaks. no orings
ive put a few e lockers in cars now and havent had a single one comeback
They have their own problems too. For alot less money, I can wait the 3 seconds for the compressor to prime.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:46 am
by GQuick
ever seen a elocker activated on the fly? not pretty, sure, we shouldnt crash lock, but in honesty, who has lockers and has NEVER crash locked? just my opinion but if half way up a clay hill, i wanna be able to engage my lockers moving if only slowly ...elockers do not allow that
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:30 am
by -Scott-
Edit. Never mind.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:18 pm
by r0ck_m0nkey
GQuick wrote:i wanna be able to engage my lockers moving if only slowly ...elockers do not allow that
Actually Eaton state in their paperwork you can engage an E-Locker up to speeds of 3mph (5km/h) as long as their is minimal wheel slippage. I do this all the time, probably a dozen times over today and last night. So I am not sure where they don't allow to engage at slow speeds?
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:52 am
by popeyehj60
TheBigBoy wrote:popeyehj60 wrote:id go the e lockers.
no waiting for the compressor to pump up. no air leaks. no orings
ive put a few e lockers in cars now and havent had a single one comeback
They have their own problems too. For alot less money, I can wait the 3 seconds for the compressor to prime.
what problems have you had with the elockers. personally experienced or seen.
from the sums i did unless the arbs are on special they work out about even for twin locked.
only cheaper if u already have the compressor.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:27 am
by Hamo
I have a pair of Eatons sitting in my wardrobe for my 80 series, Been to slack to have them setup.
I dont recall reading any bad reports on them, The yanks love them. But they carnt get them for the landcriuser as there finished here in Aus.
But they have them for their big trucks, Chevs/Dodge rams and the like & love them.
Edit: I forgot to add the Eaton's come with a 3 year warrenty

Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:06 pm
by TheBigBoy
popeyehj60 wrote:TheBigBoy wrote:popeyehj60 wrote:id go the e lockers.
no waiting for the compressor to pump up. no air leaks. no orings
ive put a few e lockers in cars now and havent had a single one comeback
They have their own problems too. For alot less money, I can wait the 3 seconds for the compressor to prime.
what problems have you had with the elockers. personally experienced or seen.
from the sums i did unless the arbs are on special they work out about even for twin locked.
only cheaper if u already have the compressor.
Like anything electric, mud and corosion in the actuator. But thats over many years. They also get jammed when disengaging sometimes and you have to roll the truck backwards for it to release. Nothing major. Depends where your getting your lockers from for pricing differences. Arb will always be cheaper. Different strokes for different folks.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:56 pm
by r0ck_m0nkey
TheBigBoy wrote:Like anything electric, mud and corosion in the actuator. But thats over many years. They also get jammed when disengaging sometimes and you have to roll the truck backwards for it to release. Nothing major. Depends where your getting your lockers from for pricing differences. Arb will always be cheaper. Different strokes for different folks.
So what you're saying is you have absolutely no experience when it comes to Eaton E-Lockers.
If you have mud and corrosion in the actuator of an Eaton E-Locker, that means the diff would have to be full of mud also. You do know that an E-Locker actuator is built inside the locker itself, it isn't an external actuator like factory fitted Toyota electric locker.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:27 pm
by TheBigBoy
Sorry, was talking about e lockers and not eaton.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:43 pm
by thehanko
popeyehj60 wrote:id go the e lockers.
no waiting for the compressor to pump up. no air leaks. no orings
ive put a few e lockers in cars now and havent had a single one comeback
the time it takes for my hand to move from the compressor switch to the air locker switch is enough time for the compressor to reach pressure?!?!
Ive had air lockers in the front and back of both hilux and patrol and never had issues with leaks, breaks, oil etc.
Not saying e lockers or tjm aren't also the ducks nuts but my experience with ARB has been good. have and would buy them again.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:46 pm
by popeyehj60
everyone on here who is loving there air lockers. how old are they.
the old air lockers are fantastic. its the new ones. less then a couple of years old have turned to crap. brand new eaton lockers have better track record then ARB\
as a side point i run air lockers in my truck. havent had an issue with them.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:49 pm
by hulsty
Both mine are old style lockers. One is broken, the other had previously lived through a diff centre failure.
Re: arb vs harrop elocker
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:12 pm
by joshy
New style of ARB air lockers dont seem up to the test like the old stye.

these gears dont engage nearly enough. Mine might be turning 42's, but i know of at least 5 others only running 35's that have had the same problem. After breaking this one at tuff truck i now keep a spare in the tool box but if it goes again i think its welded centres for me.