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Crank pulley

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:33 pm
by Hybrid
Firstly I have to appologise cause this aint a 4b question but it is a mechanical one.

Im currently replacing my water pump but didn't realise till it was apart I had to remove the crank pulley to get to some of the bolts. I couldn't jimmy it off so I got the right sized puller and found this problem. Even with the radiator out the length of the threaded part of the puller wont fit between the pulley and the A/C condensor.

I've heard that it is dangerous degassing the A/C system. I have no worries about pulling the condensor out as the ac doesn't work anyway but I didn't want to end up with frostbite.

If anyones got any ideas it would be much appreciated as this is my daily driver and I was supposed to be going for a job this week which will be awkward with no car.


Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:09 pm
by Pal
Just go ahead and let all the gas out slowly (when no one is looking.) :evil:
You wont get frost bite and nothing much will happen apart from air cond gas being released.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:33 am
by Punchy
Pal wrote:Just go ahead and let all the gas out slowly (when no one is looking.) :evil:
You wont get frost bite and nothing much will happen apart from air cond gas being released.