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getting the suspension working

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:59 pm
by buggy man
Hi, I've got myself an 84 dual cab lux. Now I brought some new Dick cepeck 33's and bolted them on with no lift. They just scrub a little, but I have decided I should get some half decent suspension and get it all working well.
I have picked up some brand new h/d 2" lifted springs for free. So if I can I would like to utalise these rather than buying New ones. Now I know being heavy duty means their Gona be rough and probably not flex that great at all.
Soo what should I be looking at to make it work well. I have looked at pinnable drop shackles, but I know they have a lot of negitives about them.
If I removed some of the load leaves would I lose a lot of the lift out of them?
Thanks for any replys and sorry about all the questions I'm just trying to work out a reasonable set up that utalises the springs I have. Thanks again.

Re: getting the suspension working

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:32 pm
by want33s
Free springs??? Rip a leaf or two out and see how they go... What have you got to lose?

Raised springs won't stop tyres scrubbing at full stuff though. You need bumpstop extensions for that or guard cutting.

Re: getting the suspension working

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:17 am
Maybe have a go at making up a custom leaf pack, using the freebies and your stock packs.

Re: getting the suspension working

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:41 pm
by buggy man
Yea ill use the front springs, maybe swap a few of the leaves around with the stock ones. And in the back I was thinking of buying some stock ifs leaves, and extended shackles and making a pritty flat flexy leaf pack. Should Gove me an alright setup for the moment until I can afford high steer and do a ruf.