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Tuning diesel Hilux 3l

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:21 pm
by inbits
G'day guys

I fitted a new injector pump to my hilux but it was off a 2.4 hilux anyway I would the fuel screw in a bit but the old girl was still very lathargic and non responsive. So today I played a little more with the screw. now I'm stoked with how it's running and the power and response it has but how do I know If I have gone too far and what problems will arise if it is wound up too high ?

Also what would be the best way to give the engine oil a reall good flush ?

Re: Tuning diesel Hilux 3l

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:50 pm
by BzR5150
The main problem will be you could destroy your engine if it is getting to much fuel. It might melt a piston if your lucky.
To check it get a pyro gauge and check the exhaust temps. Also load the car up or tow a loaded trailer around up a long hill and starting in a high gear really labour the engine. Tune it to a safe temperature like that and you wont have any problems unloaded. I run two pyros, one before the turbo at the merge collector on the manifold and the other is in the dump pipe.

Oil flush is simple and there are some good products on the market.
I have read good things about these guys products. A little pricey but it is what i will use when funds allow.

Re: Tuning diesel Hilux 3l

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:16 pm
by Hilux_Ryan
Dunno if it would get too hot in the exhaust without a turbo, but as mentioned, thats the biggest problem is too much fuel means it will get hot.

We do alot of Hiluxes at work for the car yard, check and adjust the valve clearance (most of the time they are not done, and the valves are too tight), check and set the injector pump plunger depth (standard is about 0.89mm@TDC but we crank them up to 1.06mm and havent had a problem yet, but you do need the proper tool) and then adjust the max fuel setting until you just start to get the smallest amount of smoke on a long uphill in 3rd gear or so.