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Changing diff gears at home

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:17 pm
by borgy11
HI, Just put 305/70/16s on my gq with 3.9 diff gears and from what i can read the 4.3s are my best bet.
Can someone a. confirm this is the best ratio for me but more importantly
b. i am wondering if i purchase the ring and pinion is changing the ratios myself advisable or should i give it to a diff place.I figure if i can save some cash on fitment i can put it towards lockers in the future.

Re: Changing diff gears at home

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:29 pm
by borgy11
Also while on the the subject should i go nitro or genuine.
Not sure on the price difference and quality, I will call Nissan on Monday.

Re: Changing diff gears at home

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:16 am
by old lux
Can't help you you about what R+P to choose but : I run nitro in my toyo hilux. 5.29 ratio and the quality is really good. Found them easy to setup.

I wouldn't recommend doing them at home unless you have done them befor. You need some special tools and it's very easy to stuff up and get it wrong.

Re: Changing diff gears at home

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:30 am
by tweak'e
old lux wrote: I wouldn't recommend doing them at home unless you have done them before.
bit of a catch22 isn't it ;)

you need the right tools to do it. not everyone has a big press in their garage. some of the special tools are not to hard to make and some are cheap enough to buy.
you can get most of the bits in the kits, but its a pain of you need another shim and you don't know where you can one from locally.

there is a few sites around that show how they rebuild diffs so you can get an idea on what gear you will need and what bits are required.