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80 series gear box problems jumping out

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:58 pm
by builtlux88
hey guys i have had my 94 1hz na 80 series for a bit over a year for the las month it has popped out of 4th gear a couple of time and didnt think anything of it.

on friday just gone i went to leave for mud, bulls and music and on the way up it started jumping out of 5th and 3rd and got worse and worse at the moment

1st gear it goes in easy but need to keep slight pressure on it to keep it from jumping out
2nd gear it goes in easy but need to keep slight pressure on it to keep it from jumping out
3rd gear it grinds the teeth to engage and is only just engaging and to drive with 3rd have to keep heavy pressure to engage other wise it will fall out of gear
4th gear i cannot get in at all no matter wat i try or amount of force it will just keep grinding and not slip in
5th gear goes in easy enough but once again i have to keep pressure on it to stop it from jumping out of gear

all this has happened over a 2 day period and before hand gear box was perfect never any problem engageing or jumping out and never had to hold it in gear

any info much appreciated as i dont know where to start or what the problem is

Re: 80 series gear box problems jumping out

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:00 pm
by 80's_delirious
Is there a lot of slop in the gear stick action?

I'd look at pulling the gear stick out of the top of the gear box, check the little nylon bush on the very end is ok, and also check the nylon bush where the shifter sits in the top of the gear box. It's easy enough to get out to check it.

Sounds odd that It's jumping out of every gear, sounds like gears arent engaging properly in the first place

Re: 80 series gear box problems jumping out

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:00 pm
by builtlux88
i done some research and read the same as wat u just said and i can lift the gaer stick up and select gears so this must be the issue i have not had a chance to pull it out tho,

is it and easy fix or am i better off letting some one else do it and ideas wat the part is called

Re: 80 series gear box problems jumping out

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:32 am
by 80's_delirious
It's an easy fix. Take the gearstick boot of inside the car. To get the gear stick out you have to push down and turn the metal ring that holds it in place, then It's easy to replace the two nylon bushes