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gearbox rebuild bearing removal

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:18 pm
by cruiser60series
Hello all, I am attempting my first gearbox reconditioning and am a little having trouble getting the rear main shaft bearing out (also called centre bearing). All other bearings came out relatively easy. It's a four speed h41/h42.

I could probably slide hammer the $hit out of it to get it out, but that pulls 1st gear/synchro hub against the side of the case, this could possibly damage the gear assemblies and squish the synchros? Should I remove the split ring at the other end of the mainshaft and allow all the gears to slide of the end of the shaft so no force is pushing through them.

Ideally I would use a puller against the end of the shaft (less force on the 1st gear synchro hub) but since the shaft is so long I have extended my puller using chains and all I have managed to do is break the bolts in my puller (from supershitauto). This bearing is in really tight!

Any tips?

Re: gearbox rebuild bearing removal

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:07 pm
by Modified Toy
you could put the circlip back in and press it a little (gentle) and then keep packing it under the circlip till it comes free. but at work we use this" onclick=";return false;

Re: gearbox rebuild bearing removal

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:13 am
by cruiser60series
Thanks, I ended up removing all other bearings so input shaft was out and the lay shaft was clear. Put the circlip back on and belted the main shaft into the box with a copper hammer. This took alot of work and it seems all the force on the bearing was between the shaft and the bearing and not the case and the bearing. Once the shaft was out I removed the bearing from inside using a brass drift.