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Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:27 pm
by Obscene
Does anyone know if you can program the standard LS2 ECU? I'm trying to understand this beast I've inherited but its eluding me.

Re: Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:34 pm
by brad 93hilux
Not sure about what they are capable of but when there in the commodores they are tunable by most dyno places.

I was looking at supercharging my 6.0L v8 commo a while back and they use the factory ECU

I'd be talking to some tuners as they deal with these everyday


Re: Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:58 pm
by Obscene
I'm thinkin unless they piggy backed it. They have to be. Because mines runnin a rather sizeable snail tail.

Re: Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:34 am
by chunderlicious
they have a really good standard ecm.. capable of quite large cams maintaining good cold startup and idle, and running 2 bar of boost if the tuner is good enough and knows the software. call up hi torque in labrador for a good power tuner and walkinshaw for a really reliable safe tuner, they are the only 2 ive dealt with and got 30rwkw in N/A trim more with the same setup at hitorque

oh and no piggybacking is required, just reprogramming.

Re: Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:36 pm
by DuneDog
The OME ECU is good and has a wide range of parameters . You may get rid of your woes and get a better set of maps + more power & better economy with something like a Motec if you wish to fork over the moulah, especially if it is MAFless.

What makes you think it is the 'tune'? Was it running OK before or is this an 'inherited' problem? Tune's don't change and if your ECU had no probs before for a smooth, economical, power delivery and now can't manage it I would be looking at other things besides the ECU.

Silly question, but do you have a boost gauge hooked up and are there any spiking issues? Have you dropped the boost and see if it runs better? A:F ratio's would be good to know, it may be too rich. I think boost and A:F gauges are essential in a petrol with a hair dryer attached, cheap insurance for spiking, pinging/detonation issues that will cause you drama.

Have you pulled the plugs? It could also be something just like needing a colder (higher number) plug for better boost burn over the standard LS2 plugs. The colder plug may be more of a noticeable issue with hotter temps too for summertime.

Re: Turbo LS2 ECU woes

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:34 pm
by crankycruiser
They are fully tunable. It wouldn't be piggy backed unless a douche has been stuffing with it.