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05 vs 06/07 UZJ100R - price diff justification for the wife

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:25 pm
by shorty_f0rty
sup fella's..

Looking at consolidating 2 cars and upgrading to a UZJ100R. Plan is to have this vehicle for many years to come.

Currently the budget is around $25k which will get a sub 200k KM 2005 but MY preference is a 2006 or 2007 due to a heap of upgrades, extra power, better fuel efficiency, rear a/c, etc.

These can be had between $25k and $35k but most are over the $32k mark. After selling 2 vehicles privately we shouldn't be too much out of pocket and considering we're looking to keep the vehicle for some time I dont mind spending the extra to get what I want.. Problem is the minister for finance is having a hard time understanding the justification for the extra $9-10k spend..

Can you guys help suggest anything I can use as ammo for my cause?

Re: 05 vs 06/07 UZJ100R - price diff justification for the w

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:58 pm
by BundyMonkey
my thoughts.

get the cheaper one and spend the money saved on touring accessories. the fuel efficiency will be next to nothing or if you are that worried about it put on gas or just not buy a v8. the rear air isnt all that much better and just extra knobs and bits to go wrong as well as decreased vision out the back (minimal). the extra power with the money you save you could chip and zorst it and have even more than what the later models would.

I have had a 03 for nearly 5 years now bought it for $30k with a heap of accessories with 115k kms on it and love it.

Re: 05 vs 06/07 UZJ100R - price diff justification for the w

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:51 pm
by shorty_f0rty
Thanks for your thoughts.. all valid options too and it is a lot of coin for not much tangible benefits..

I guess I'm just star struck by the pretty shiney LED's and headlights.. Rear air would be nice for the kids but we've got decent A/c in the 80 at the moment so thats not really a big deal either..

Re: 05 vs 06/07 UZJ100R - price diff justification for the w

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:20 pm
by shorty_f0rty
well... I didn't get to spend that much extra coin on a 06/07.. instead got a 2003 sahara which had the rear a/c, sunroof, satnav and a heap of other extras too.. only spent just over $2500 over our budget though which was good considering the report card we got back on the vehicles pre-purchase inspection.