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Prado VSC TRC light stays on

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:40 am
by Roktruk
Prado 2001 TX 1KZE auto, 170k kms

This is a new one-
Start car, dash lights up, self check happens, all lights go out. Engage drive, move off, the VSC TRC and VSC Off lights come on and stay on. Happens in forward and reverse.

Car drives ok, haven't had a chance yet to test the VSC or the traction control as it only started last night.

Any thoughts, anyone?


Re: Prado VSC TRC light stays on

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:29 pm
by RAY185
Is the ABS light on too? Engine light?

Sounds like an ABS sensor or harness fault. A scanner will tell you which wheel.

Re: Prado VSC TRC light stays on

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:50 am
by Roktruk
RAY185 wrote:Is the ABS light on too? Engine light?

Sounds like an ABS sensor or harness fault. A scanner will tell you which wheel.

No ABS light, which is the odd thing. Pulled the ABS sensors and cleaned them last night, checked the harnesses and plugs, all good.

ABS is working, but the traction control is only working in low range and VSC doesn't seem to be working at all, although this is a bit tougher to test on dry roads and there's no convenient gravel nearby.

Still stumped

Re: Prado VSC TRC light stays on

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:54 pm
by Roktruk
It gets better - after doing the Zero Point Calibration to reset the VSC (lights went out), the traction control now engages in low range at random - hammers away at all 4 wheels and locks the brakes. Made the trip on Sunday interesting in a few places, usually lock on the brakes at the top of an erosion ditch and stop forward motion.

In for a check next Monday
